Home Home-Remedies Juices for inflammation of the intestine

Juices for inflammation of the intestine


Apple juice, as well as kale juice, are great home remedies to treat colitis, because they relieve pain and purify the body naturally, complementing the treatment indicated by the doctor.

Colitis is a chronic inflammation of the large intestine that causes many discomfort such as abdominal pain and liquid stools mixed with blood and pus. It can be caused by nutritional deficiency, vascular problems and even imbalance of bacterial flora, but these juices can help fight your symptoms.

1. Apple juice against colitis

An excellent home remedy for colitis is pure apple juice because this fruit has a potent detoxifying and purifying effect as well as moisturizing and calming the intestinal mucosa.


  • 4 apples

Method of preparation

Pass the apples through the centrifuge and take a glass (250 ml) of this juice 5 times a day during the days of crisis, and for another 3 days after the symptoms have disappeared.

2. Cabbage juice against colitis

Cabbage is rich in fiber and facilitates the elimination of feces and protects the lining of the stomach and intestine, helping to detoxify the digestive system.


  • 1 teaspoon chopped kale 300 ml water

Method of preparation

Beat the kale with water in a blender and drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and always 30 minutes before meals.

3. Beet juice

Beet juice is another great natural remedy to treat symptoms of colitis because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and is a great source of fiber. It is recommended to consume raw beets to make better use of all its properties.


  • 1 raw beet

Method of preparation

Pass the beet through the food processor and drink the juice that comes out of it, and to enjoy all the beet, add the part that was grated to a salad or soup.

Juices for inflammation of the intestine