Home Home-Remedies Learn how to prepare home remedies for skin allergy

Learn how to prepare home remedies for skin allergy


Linseed porridge, pansies of Pansy or Chamomile, are some home remedies that can be used to apply on the skin, to treat and relieve allergies.

Skin allergy is an inflammatory reaction that can appear in different regions of the skin, such as neck, legs, fingers, hands, belly, mouth, arms, feet, armpits, back, causing symptoms such as redness, itching and white pellets. or reddish on the skin. Learn how to identify skin allergy in How to identify and treat skin allergy.

1. Linseed porridge

Flaxseed porridge has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is therefore indicated for the treatment of various skin problems such as allergies, blemishes, itching, boils or itching. Discover all the benefits of flaxseed. To prepare flaxseed porridge, you will need:


  • 4 or 5 tablespoons of flax flour; Water; Cloth or gauze.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour a trickle of water over the flax flour and stir well until you get a smooth paste; heat the paste over low heat and then when it is still warm, spread it over a strip of gauze or a cloth to form a layer 1 cm thick.

Apply the gauze over the affected area, 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the symptoms experienced.

2. Perfect Love Compress

This medicinal plant can be used to treat various skin problems, such as allergies, acne or eczema, due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Learn more about this plant in Pansy. To use this plant to treat skin allergies, compresses can be used, which can be prepared as follows:


  • 20 to 30 g of fresh or dried flowers of Pansy Bravo; 500 ml of boiling water; Cloth.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the flowers into the hot water and let the infusion stand for 15 minutes. After that time, filter the mixture and soak it in the cloth.

These compresses should be applied in the morning and at night, as needed.

3. Chamomile compress

This medicinal plant is also great for treating various skin problems, due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, which reduce inflammation and soothe itching and redness. To prepare Chamomile compresses to apply to the skin, you will need:


  • 20 to 30 g of fresh or dried chamomile flowers, 500 ml of boiling water; Cloth.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour the flowers into the hot water and let the infusion stand for 15 minutes. After that time, filter the mixture and soak it in the cloth.

These compresses should be applied in the morning and at night, as needed.

As soon as the first allergy symptoms appear, it is important that you take action quickly, washing the skin regions where the allergy symptoms are appearing with abundant water and neutral pH soap. Only after washing the area well should you apply the compresses, which help to relieve discomfort and soothe skin irritation.

If the symptoms do not completely disappear after 1 or 2 days or if they worsen in that time, it is recommended that you consult the dermatologist so that he can identify the cause of the allergy and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Learn how to prepare home remedies for skin allergy