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Mango: 5 health benefits (with delicious recipes)


The benefits of mango are due to the presence of vitamin A, antioxidants, fibers and enzymes in this fruit. The mango has about 52 calories per 100 grams, and an average mango weighs between 300 and 500 grams. Therefore, this is not the ideal fruit for those trying to lose weight, especially if it is eaten very often.

Mango can be consumed in the form of juice, jellies, vitamins, green salads, sauces or together with other foods, but it is also not the most suitable fruit for diabetics because it is very sweet.

The benefits of mango include:

  1. Fight constipation because it has a laxative effect and improves digestion; It helps to control the pressure because it has soluble fibers and antioxidants that improve the functioning of the arteries; Protect cells and prevent cancer because it is rich in antioxidants; Improve skin health and protect from the sun, because it has a photoprotective action; Strengthen the immune system, helping to prevent diseases because it has an immunostimulating action;

Despite all the benefits, mango should be avoided by diabetics, or when taking anticoagulant medications.

Nutritional information of mango

Components Quantity per 100 g
Energy 52 calories
Water 83.5 g
Proteins 0.5 g
Fats 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 11.7 g
Fibers 2.9 g
Vitamin A 300 mcg
Carotene 1800 mg
Potassium 115 mg

The mango season is from October to January, where you can find this fruit in practically all open markets and in supermarkets, but in the other months of the year you can consume the frozen frozen mango pulp because it has the same benefits.

Mango recipes

1. Healthy mango mousse

This mango mousse has an intense flavor but can be served even for babies because it has no sugar. The more ripe the mango is, the tastier the mousse will be, but if you want to sweeten it to taste before solidifying.


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Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender until uniform, place in a glass container and refrigerate for 2 hours. Serve chilled.

2. Mango vitamin


  • 2 sliced ​​ripe mangoes 1 cup of milk ice cubes to sweeten use honey or stevia

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and then take. If you prefer to beat only the mango and the milk, then strain and then beat again with the ice cubes to make it cooler, creamy and refreshing.

3. Roasted mango

This recipe is very simple and quick to make being very tasty and a great choice for dessert. Just slice the mango and place it on a platter and sprinkle a little coarse salt and bake for about 10 minutes. The mango should be slightly toasted and, contrary to what it seems, it is much sweeter.

You can make this recipe with ripe or green mango.

4. Mango peel flan


  • 3 mango peels2 cups of water1 spoon of cornstarch1 cup of sugar

Method of preparation

Beat the mango peels in a blender with 1 glass of water and strain. Then dissolve the cornstarch in cold water and then add the juice from the strained mango peel, add the sugar and cook for a few minutes until it begins to thicken. Place in small bowls and refrigerate for 4 hours until firm. Serve chilled.

Other health benefits of mango are related to the use of syrup against breathing problems. In this case, its leaves can be used to fight asthma, in addition to many other recipes that can help in the treatment of worms, bronchitis, ulcers, gingivitis because it is a natural detoxifier.

Mango: 5 health benefits (with delicious recipes)