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7 Tips for not giving up on the gym


In the first days of the gym, it is normal to feel excited and committed to losing weight or exercising the body, but over time, workouts can become boring and the result takes a long time to appear, leading to discouragement and the desire to leave the gym.

Therefore, it is important to stay focused on the goals, motivation and celebrate each small achievement, as the results do not appear overnight. See what are the 7 tips to stay motivated and not give up on the gym:

1. Set real goals

Start by setting goals that are simple and easy to achieve and only then set goals that are more difficult to achieve, because by being very ambitious right from the start, you can easily get frustrated and give up on the gym.

For example: if the goal is to lose 5 kg, set a goal to lose 1 to 2 kg in a month and not the 5 kg at once, as it is an easier and more realistic goal to achieve, giving strength and incentive to continue to lose the remaining weight until reaching the goal.

2. Make the gym more fun

One of the reasons for dropping out of the gym is because it becomes uninteresting or boring. Thus, it is important to vary sports or exercises, choosing the ones you like best or find the most fun, so that it is a pleasure to be at the gym.

For example: if the workouts at the gym consist of cardiorespiratory or weight training exercises, vary and take zumba or spinning classes or try group sports, such as football or volleyball, for example. In addition, at the beginning, ensuring that you have the energy to finish your workout can also be a challenge, in which case the use of energy drinks is recommended, which hydrates and provides energy. See how to prepare a great homemade energy drink by watching this video:

3. Listen to the songs you like best at the gym

Creating a playlist of favorite songs and listening to them at the gym is very motivating, because when you like the songs, the brain makes the body respond positively to the exercise, and it is also possible to move and exercise to the rhythm of the music, while while listening to it.

4. Record all achievements

Writing down all the achievements that have been achieved since going to the gym is a great tip for gaining motivation and continuing training without giving up, as it is proof that the exercises and training are helping to achieve the goals and that if progress is being made.

For example: writing on your cell phone, in your diary or just on a notepad that has lost 1 kg, has decreased in size, now wearing 38 instead of 42 or that has now managed to do 50 sit-ups instead of 5.

5. Working out with real friends

Inviting friends, neighbors or co-workers to attend the same gym helps to maintain the commitment to physical activity and, in addition, makes training more fun and enjoyable, as it seems that time passes faster.

6. Be rewarded for the effort

After reaching a goal, give yourself a reward, like buying new shoes, putting on new songs to listen to during training or buying new clothes to train, for example. It is important that, if the goal is to lose weight, the reward is not caloric foods, such as cakes or chocolate, as they may harm the results achieved.

7. Celebrate the new body

Comparing the differences in the body before entering the gym and after 2 to 3 months of exercise helps to maintain motivation in training and not to give up, as it is a real proof that the effort is paying off.

For example: try on old clothes and see the differences, compare old photos with newer photos or take photos with tighter and smaller clothes so you can compare later.

See 3 other tips for finding pleasure in the gym.

7 Tips for not giving up on the gym