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What to do for hair to grow fast


Generally, hair, hair and beard grow 1 cm per month, but there are some tricks and tips that can make them grow faster, such as ensuring all the nutrients the body needs to form hair and improve local blood circulation..

By following these tips, the hair and beard should grow faster, however, there are cases where the hair does not grow due to disease or the accumulation of toxins in the body, so if you don't notice any changes in 3 months, consultation with a dermatologist is advised.

1. Eat more protein-rich foods

Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, milk, eggs and yogurt, are needed to form the capillary matrix that gives rise to hair and beard, so by ingesting a greater amount of this nutrient the strands tend to grow faster and more beautiful. See home remedies to promote hair growth.

Check out a simple recipe to facilitate hair and beard growth at: Carrot juice for hair to grow faster.

2. Massage the scalp or comb the hair

During the washing of the hair, a good massage should be done on the entire scalp with the tips of the fingers, as this increases the local blood circulation favoring the growth of the hair. Those who do not wash their hair every day can comb their hair for a few good minutes every day, because this habit also improves blood circulation in the scalp.

When you want your beard to grow, what you can do is 'comb' the region with a fine comb, for example.

3. Use the conditioner correctly

Conditioner should not be placed at the root because it hinders blood circulation in the scalp and hair growth. Therefore, conditioner and cream must be applied without rinsing, at least 4 fingers after the hair root.

4. Stop smoking and avoid wearing caps

Quitting smoking and being close to those who smoke is also important because cigarettes are harmful to health and damage hair, leaving them more fragile and brittle. The habit of wearing hats and caps can stifle the roots of the hair, hindering their growth, and increase the risk of fungus development and, therefore, should be avoided.

5. Pin the hair

Pinning your hair in a ponytail or braid, for example, exerts moderate pressure on the strands that can facilitate growth, but care must be taken because, if there is too much pressure, the hair can break or fall out.

However, it is not recommended to pin the hair when it is wet because this can also facilitate the development of fungi, weakening the hair and leaving a less pleasant smell.

6. Moisturize your hair once a week

Moisturizing the strands weekly with a mask suitable for your hair type is important so that the hair grows beautiful and is not damaged. After washing the hair with shampoo and conditioner, it should be rinsed very well, until there is no trace of cream on the hair because the residues can hinder hair growth. For proper hydration see how to know your hair type.

People with very curly or afro hair may find that their hair takes a long time to grow, because they are naturally curled from the root, but that does not mean that they do not grow normally. All of these tips can also be used to facilitate the growth of beards and other body hair.

In addition, if you have light hair but would like to lighten your strands naturally but do not know how, learn how to use chamomile to lighten your hair.

7. Taking vitamins for hair to grow

Vitamins, such as Pantogar and Innéov nutricare, are excellent for making hair grow because they nourish the hair root and improve blood circulation in the region, which causes hair to grow faster. See how to use Pantogar against hair loss. Also learn how to use biotin to make your hair grow faster.

See also the recipe of this delicious vitamin to strengthen hair:

What to do for hair to grow fast