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Chia slims and protects the heart


Chia is considered a superfood with several health benefits, which include improving intestinal transit, improving cholesterol and even decreasing appetite, as it is rich in fiber and vitamins.

Chia seeds have in their composition omega-3, antioxidants, calcium, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals, which make this seed an excellent nutritional supplement, natural and economical.

Main benefits of chia seeds

The main benefits of chia include:

1. Control diabetes

Due to its high fiber content, chia is able to prevent a rapid increase in blood glucose by controlling the amount of sugar in the blood, which is excellent for controlling type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In addition, it reduces the glycemic index of food, due to the fibers, making hunger not appear suddenly.

2. Improve intestinal health

Also due to the fiber content, chia seeds increase bowel movements, avoiding constipation, but in order to have this effect, properly hydrated seeds must be consumed, otherwise the seeds may impair intestinal function, increasing the risk colitis, for example.

3. Help you lose weight

Chia seeds are able to absorb a large amount of water and, therefore, form a gel that takes up some space in the stomach, reducing the urge to eat.

A good form of consumption is to make om overnight which consists of leaving the following ingredients in a glass jar: natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon of chia + 1 spoon of oats + 1 teaspoon of honey. This mixture must be kept in the refrigerator every night and can be consumed for breakfast.

4. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Chia has a good amount of omega 3 that acts on the body by reducing inflammation, controlling cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis and protecting the body from cardiovascular and brain diseases, improving memory and disposition. Omega 3 is a very important nutrient for brain functions, as 60% of the brain is made up of fat, especially Omega 3. The deficient intake of this fat is associated with greater loss of memory in the elderly and with high levels of feelings of distress and depression.

5. Avoid premature aging

Chia seeds have antioxidants that fight free radicals, preventing cell aging. Antioxidants are substances that help the body to delay or prevent the action of free radicals in cells, preventing permanent damage that can, over time, lead to the development of diseases such as cancer, cataracts, heart problems, diabetes and even Alzheimer's. or Parkinson's.

6: Regulate cholesterol

Chia has a good amount of insoluble fiber, that is, it does not dissolve in water, and therefore, when consumed it can help eliminate the fat present in the diet, being eliminated naturally by feces.

7: Strengthen bones

This is also a good source of calcium, which helps to strengthen the bones, which is especially indicated in case of osteopenia, osteoporosis, or after a fracture, or for a prolonged bedrock.

Discover other superfoods in Superfoods that boost your body and brain.

How to use chia

Chia is a small seed that is very versatile and easy to use. Some examples are:

  • Add the chia seeds in cake, pancake or cookie recipes that are still to be cooked. See Recipe for constipated chia pancakeAdding the seeds in ready-to-eat foods like yogurt, soup or salad; Make one overnight, adding 1 tablespoon of chia seed in 250 ml of water and consume 20 minutes before meals main or breakfast;

Chia can be found in the form of grain, flour or oil and can be added to yogurt, cereals, juices, cakes, salads and spices. To get all the benefits of chia just consume more than two tablespoons a day.

Nutritional information of Chia seed

Nutritional composition of 100 g of chia seeds:

Calories 371 kcal
Proteins 21.2 g
Carbohydrates 42 g
Total fat 31.6 g
Saturated fat 3.2 g
Polyunsaturated fat 25.6 g
Omega 3 19.8 g
Omega-6 5.8 g
Vitamin A 49.2 UI
Calcium 556.8 mg
Phosphor 750.8 mg
Magnesium 326 mg
Zinc 44.5 mg
Potassium 666.8 mg
Iron 6.28 mg
Total Fibers 41.2 g
Soluble fibers 5.3 g
Insoluble Fibers 35.9 g

Benefits of Chia Oil

Chia oil can be found in capsules or in a natural liquid form, and it has health benefits because it is rich in omega-3, a good fat for the body that acts performing functions such as strengthening the immune system, improving memory and memory. concentration, reduce inflammation in the body and prevent cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack.

To obtain these benefits, you should take 1 to 2 tablets of chia oil per day, or 1 tablespoon of natural liquid oil, which can also be added to healthy recipes for breads, soups, cakes and stews. See more about Chia seed oil in capsules.

Chia slims and protects the heart