Home Bulls Actinomycin d (cosmegen)

Actinomycin d (cosmegen)


Cosmegen is an injectable antineoplastic antibiotic that has actinomycin D as its active ingredient. It acts by inhibiting the multiplication of damaged cells.


Endometrial cancer; testicular cancer; rhabdomyosarcoma; botryoid sarcoma; Ewing's sarcoma; sarcoma; Wilms' tumor; trophoblastic tumor.

Side effects

Blood changes; bone marrow depression; peeling of the skin; diarrhea; abdominal pain; rash on the skin; lack of appetite; hyperpigmentation of the skin; inflammation in the mouth, pharynx, veins and esophagus; nausea; hair loss; severe tissue damage to gizzards; liver toxicity; redness of the skin; vomiting.


Pregnancy risk C; breast-feeding.

How to use


Adults: 10 to 15 mcg / kg / day at most 5 days every 4 to 6 weeks or 500 mcg per m2 of body surface, with a maximum of 2 mg per week for 3 weeks.

Children: 10 to 15 mcg / kg / day or 450 mcg per m2 of body surface for a maximum of 5 days or a total dose of 2.5 mg per m2 of body surface in divided doses over a period of 7 days, which can be done a second series after 4 to 6 weeks.

Actinomycin d (cosmegen)