Home Bulls Cold sore on the tongue: how to heal faster (and main causes)

Cold sore on the tongue: how to heal faster (and main causes)


A good way to cure a cold sore on the tongue faster is to brush your teeth and use an alcohol-free mouthwash at least 3 times a day, because due to the mouthwash's antiseptic property, it is possible to eliminate a greater amount of microorganisms and thus, eliminate cold sore more quickly.

Applying a pebble of ice directly to the sore cold sore is also an excellent way to numb the tongue to be able to eat, for example. Other natural strategies that can help cure cold sore quickly are applying malaleuca oil directly on the cold sore, keeping a clove in your mouth or taking 1 spoon of honey with propolis extract daily, for example.

Watch the nutritionist's tips to get rid of cold sore naturally:

Cold sore remedies

The treatment of cold sore consists of the relief of symptoms, being useful the use of home remedies, but in some cases even topical analgesic remedies, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics can be used, under medical guidance.

A good pharmacy remedy is an ointment called Omcilon Orabase but applying 0.2% hyaluronic acid immediately reduces pain. Anti-inflammatories such as Amlexanox 5% in film form to apply directly on cold sore is also a good option.

Although it is rare, in cases where the person has many thrush, which compromise their diet and quality of life, the doctor can still prescribe the use of thalidomide, dapsone and colchicine, for example, always checking the dosage monthly because of side effects they can cause.

See 5 surefire strategies to cure cold sore quickly.

How long does it last

Canker sores usually disappear spontaneously between 7 and 10 days, leaving no scars, however if they are more than 1 cm in diameter, they can take longer to heal. In addition, when they appear frequently, it is important that they be investigated because the appearance of frequent thrush can be a sign of a disease, and it is important that the doctor orders tests in order to arrive at the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment.

What is cold sore

The cold sore, scientifically called aphthous stomatitis, is a small rounded lesion that can appear anywhere on the mouth, such as tongue, lip, cheek, roof of the mouth or even in the throat, causing a lot of pain and difficulty eating and speaking. The lesions can be small and very round or oval and are about 1 cm in diameter.

They can arise in a unique way, the most common being, but they can also occur several at the same time. Everyone will have at least one or two episodes of thrush in their lifetime. But certain people have thrush very often, with a new thrush appearing every 15 days for about 1 year, which requires medical research.

Know the main causes of frequent cold sore.

What causes

The cold sore is manifested by a small whitish lesion, circular or oval, which is surrounded by a reddish 'ring', which causes severe pain and difficulty in eating, speaking and swallowing. Although rare, there may be fever, enlargement of the neck glands and a feeling of general malaise, although in most cases the main symptom is pain at the site.

Canker sores can occur in people of all ages, including babies, and although it is not known exactly what causes canker sores, some factors seem to be involved, such as:

  • Bite on the tongue; Eat citrus foods such as kiwi, pineapple, lemon; pH change in the mouth, which can be caused by poor digestion; Lack of vitamins; Food allergy; Use of braces on teeth; Stress; Autoimmune disease.

The weakening of the immune system can also favor the development of thrush, so it is common for people with AIDS or cancer, for example, to have thrush more often.

Cold sore on the tongue: how to heal faster (and main causes)