Home Bulls Human albumin (albumax)

Human albumin (albumax)


Human albumin is a protein that helps maintain fluids in the blood, absorbing excess water from tissues and maintaining blood volume. Thus, this protein can be used in serious situations, when it is necessary to increase the volume of blood or decrease the swelling, as it happens in burns or severe bleeding.

The most well-known commercial name of this substance is Albumax, however, it cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, being used only in the hospital for the doctor's indication. Other names of this medicine include Albuminar 20%, Blaubimax, Beribumin or Plasbumin 20, for example.

This type of albumin should not be used to increase muscle mass, in which case it is recommended to use albumin supplements.


The price of human albumin is approximately 65 reais in a 10 ml bottle at 20%. However, this type of medicine cannot be purchased at pharmacies, being used only for treatment at the hospital.

What is it for

Human albumin is indicated in cases where it is necessary to correct the volume of blood and the amount of fluids in the tissues, as in the case of:

  • Kidney or liver problems; Severe burns; Severe bleeding; Swelling of the brain; Generalized infections; Dehydration; Marked decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, it can also be used in newborns and babies, especially in cases of excess bilirubin or decreased albumin after complex surgery.

How to use

This medicine must be administered directly into the vein and, therefore, it should only be used by a health professional in the hospital. The dose usually varies according to the problem to be treated and the patient's weight.

Main side effects

The most common side effects include nausea, redness and skin lesions, fever and an allergic reaction of the whole body, which can be fatal.

Who should not use

Albumin is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, with problems in the heart and abnormal blood volume, in patients with varicose veins in the esophagus, severe anemia, dehydration, pulmonary edema, with a tendency to bleeding without apparent cause and absence of urine.

The use of this medication should also not be done during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, without medical advice.

Human albumin (albumax)