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Allergy in children


Allergy is an immune reaction of the organism that occurs whenever the individual inhales, ingests or touches an allergen (substance that causes allergy). Children are more likely to develop any type of allergy than adults, especially food allergies, but in this case, as the digestive system matures, the allergy can naturally be eliminated. Children usually overcome allergies to milk, eggs and wheat from the age of six, but allergies to peanuts, nuts, fish and seafood tend to last a lifetime.

Allergy symptoms in children

The symptoms of allergy in children can be:

  • Red and swollen plaques on the body; Swollen lips and tongue; Difficulty breathing; Diarrhea; Cramps; Gases; Itchy nose; Frequent sneezing; Shortness of breath.

In case of suspected allergy, contact the pediatrician.

Diagnosis of allergy in children

The diagnosis of allergy in children can be made through exposure to the allergenic agent and observation of the symptoms that the child presents. Doctors and parents should carefully watch for any signs of allergy in the child and try to identify what is causing the reaction and then proceed to tests to detect allergies, which can be through blood tests, skin tests (done through the skin). They can be done at a young age, but it is more reliable after 3 years.

For example: if the child always wakes up with a lot of eyes (beyond normal) or if his eyes are always red or slightly swollen, it should be noted if the child has any type of allergy to washing powder, fabric softener or to the fabric of the sheets and blankets, for example.

Allergy treatment in children

The treatment for allergy in children consists of avoiding contact with the substance that causes allergy, and if there is any accidental exposure, the doctor may indicate the ingestion of an antihistamine to relieve the symptoms of the allergy. But if the child has more severe symptoms, such as a very swollen tongue and difficulty breathing, you should take him to the doctor promptly.

Allergy in children