Home Bulls Sinus arrhythmia: what it is and what it means

Sinus arrhythmia: what it is and what it means


Sinus arrhythmia is a type of heart rate variation that almost always happens in connection with breathing, and when you inhale, there is an increase in the number of heartbeats and, when you exhale, the frequency tends to decrease.

This type of alteration is very common in babies, children and adolescents, and does not indicate any problem, even being a sign of good heart health. However, when it appears in adults, especially in the elderly, it may be related to some disease, especially intracranial hypertension or atherosclerotic heart disease.

Thus, whenever a change in heart rate is identified, especially in adults, it is very important to consult a cardiologist to perform the necessary tests, which usually include electrocardiogram and blood tests, in order to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment. appropriate if necessary.

Main symptoms

Usually people with sinus arrhythmia do not have any symptoms, and the diagnosis is usually suspicious when a heart rate assessment is made and a change in the beat pattern is identified.

However, in most cases, the frequency changes are so slight that the arrhythmia can only be identified when a routine electrocardiogram is performed.

When the person feels palpitations, it does not mean that they have some kind of heart problem, it can even be a normal and temporary situation. Even so, if palpitations happen very often, it is advisable to consult a cardiologist to detect the presence of any disease that needs treatment.

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How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of sinus arrhythmia is usually made by the cardiologist, using an electrocardiogram, which allows the electrical conduction of the heart to be assessed, identifying all irregularities in the heartbeat.

In the case of babies and children, the pediatrician may even ask for an electrocardiogram to confirm that the child has sinus arrhythmia, as this is a sign that indicates good cardiovascular health and is present in most healthy young people, disappearing in adulthood.

How the treatment is done

In most cases, sinus arrhythmia does not need any treatment. However, if the doctor suspects that it may be caused by some other cardiac problem, especially in the case of the elderly, he may order new tests to identify the specific cause and then start treatment aimed at the cause.

Check out 12 signs that may indicate a heart problem.

Sinus arrhythmia: what it is and what it means