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Physical activity in pregnancy requires care


Physical activity for pregnancy should be light and relaxing and can be performed daily, but always respecting the woman's limitations. The best physical activities for pregnancy include walking, water aerobics; swimming, yoga; exercise bike and stretching exercises.

These types of exercises help to control weight gain, do not harm the knees and improve the cardiovascular system, being beneficial for both mother and baby. See a good example of physical exercise that can be performed during pregnancy at: Walking training for pregnant women.

However, any physical activity, as long as it is well oriented, can be performed during pregnancy, always respecting the limits of the woman and her physical capacity, and those who already practiced physical activity before becoming pregnant have more activity options than the woman who was sedentary and who only started exercising after discovering pregnancy.

Check out what are the warning signs during physical activity during pregnancy and who should not exercise during pregnancy:

In cases where the pregnant woman is doing some physical activity and has at least one of these warning signs, she should immediately stop exercising and consult the obstetrician to see if she can continue doing physical activity during pregnancy. In addition, if the pregnant woman has any of the diseases mentioned in the second image, physical activity is not totally prohibited, but it can be restricted. Therefore, in these cases, it is also important to consult the obstetrician.

Risks of intense training during pregnancy

Intense training should be avoided during pregnancy as they can impair fetal development. Physical activity during pregnancy has many benefits, but in the case of athletes it is necessary to slow down in order not to harm the baby's health.

In women who are athletes and have a more intense training, it is normal not to have a period and for this reason pregnancy can be discovered after a few months of pregnancy. In this case, as soon as the athlete knows that she is pregnant, it is important to inform the trainer so that the training is adequate because the excess of physical activity can favor labor before the scheduled date. After the baby is born it is also important to dose the training well so that it does not harm the production of breast milk.

Can the pregnant woman do physical activity in early pregnancy?

Physical activity can be practiced from the beginning of pregnancy as long as it is guided by a physical trainer and if the class is specially directed to pregnant women. However, it is recommended to talk to the doctor before starting any physical activity, as there are some contraindications to exercise during pregnancy, which include pregnancy of twins and the risk of preterm birth, for example.

Nevertheless, when physical activity is performed correctly during pregnancy, respecting the woman's limitations, it brings more benefits than harm, both for the mother and the baby.

Here are some examples of how to exercise during pregnancy:

Physical activity in pregnancy requires care