Home Symptoms 8 Health benefits of water

8 Health benefits of water


Drinking water has several health benefits, such as keeping your skin beautiful and hydrated and healthy hair, for example, and it is recommended that you consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Water can also help in the weight loss process, in addition to being essential for several processes in the body, such as regulating body temperature and improving digestion, for example.

Benefits of drinking water

The benefits of drinking water are mainly to keep your skin and hair healthy and to help regulate the bowel, decreasing constipation. Maintaining a good fluid intake also has other benefits for the body's balance that are very important for maintaining general health, such as:

  1. Regulate body temperature; Combat acne, stretch marks and cellulite; Improve kidney function; Prevent the appearance of kidney stones; Facilitate digestion; Decrease swelling; Improve blood circulation; Help to lose weight.

To have all the benefits of water, you should drink 1 to 2 liters of water per day, which should not be replaced by juices or soft drinks. Here are 4 strategies for drinking the recommended amount of water per day:

In addition to drinking water, a good strategy is to invest in foods that contain water, such as watermelon, radish, pineapple and cauliflower, for example. Get to know other water-rich foods.

Benefits of drinking fasting water

Drinking water on an empty stomach can stimulate the digestive system after a long period of fasting that is done during the night, thus improving the digestive process and thus being an excellent home remedy for constipation.

In addition, drinking pure water or fasting lemon at a warm temperature stimulates the intestine to function almost immediately by acting as a laxative right after ingestion, in addition to ensuring a greater feeling of fullness and decreasing appetite.

How can water help you lose weight?

Drinking water with lemon, cleans the palate by decreasing the desire to eat very sweet foods. This is especially suitable for after parties such as Christmas or birthdays, where the intake of sweet foods further stimulates the consumption of sweets.

Another strategy that can help in the weight loss process is to mix the lemon with sparkling water, as it helps to eliminate the urge to eat sweets and drink soda, for example, which is a drink very rich in sugar, sweetener and sodium. Thus, drinking sparkling water helps to improve symptoms of discomfort related to indigestion and contribute to detoxifying the body and losing weight.

Watch the following video and find out which foods to choose to drink more water per day:

8 Health benefits of water