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What is Aloe Vera for


Aloe vera , also known as aloe vera, is a natural plant from North Africa and presents itself as a green colored cactus that has several health benefits.

Aloe vera has a nourishing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action, favoring the wound healing process and eliminating free radicals, which improves the appearance of the skin, for example.

What are the benefits

Aloe vera has several health benefits, such as:

  • Nutritive action: Stimulates the formation of cells and tissues, as it has 18 of the 23 amino acids necessary for the human organism; Regenerative action: Contributes to the elimination of old cells and the formation of new cells, favoring the healing of wounds and burns, for example; Moisturizing action: Aloe vera has in its composition a gel that restores damaged tissues and moisturizes the skin; Digestive action: It has enzymes that facilitate digestion, thus fighting constipation and helping in the treatment of gastritis; Anti action -inflammatory: It has properties that help in the treatment of inflammations, burns and infections.

In addition to these benefits, Aloe vera is also able to strengthen the immune system and can be used in gel form or in juice form, which can be prepared in a homemade way, although they can also be found in an industrialized way in hypermarkets, drugstores. handling and dietary.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice can be made easily at home, with half a glass of the juice recommended, 2 to 3 times a day.


  • 100 g of Aloe vera pulp; 1 liter of water; 1 spoon of honey.

Method of preparation

To prepare the juice, just add all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. It is recommended that this juice be consumed only 2 to 3 times a day, since higher amounts of Aloe vera can lead to irritation of the intestinal mucosa, resulting in nausea and malaise, for example.

Other ways to use Aloe vera

In addition to being able to be consumed in the form of juice, Aloe vera can also be added in skin creams, shampoos and masks for hydration, since it has several benefits for the skin and hair. Learn how to use aloe vera for hair and skin.

What is Aloe Vera for