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Benefits of cajá


Cajá is a cajazeira fruit with the scientific name Spondias mombin , also known as cajá-mirim, cajazinha, taperibá, tapareba, taperebá, tapiriba, ambaló or ambaró.

Cajá is mainly used to make juice, nectars, ice cream, jellies, wines or liquors and as it is an acidic fruit it is not common to eat it in its natural state. The cajá-umbú variety, which results from the crossing between cajá and umbú, is a tropical fruit from northeastern Brazil used mainly in the form of pulp, juices and ice cream.

The main benefits of cajá can be:

  • Help you lose weight because it has few calories; Improve skin and eye health by having vitamin A; Fight cardiovascular diseases by having antioxidants.

In addition, it also helps to relieve constipation, especially the variety of cajá-mango, which is more easily found in northeastern Brazil and is rich in fibers.

Nutritional Information of Cajá

Components Quantity in 100 g of Cajá
Energy 46 calories
Proteins 0.80 g
Fats 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 11.6 g
Vitamin A (Retinol) 64 mcg
Vitamin B1 50 mcg
Vitamin B2 40 mcg
Vitamin B3 0.26 mg
Vitamin C 35.9 mg
Calcium 56 mg
Phosphor 67 mg
Iron 0.3 mg

Cajá can be found all year round and its production is greater in southern Bahia and northeastern Brazil.

Benefits of cajá