Home Home-Remedies Benefits of sweet almond oil and how to use

Benefits of sweet almond oil and how to use


Sweet almond oil is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, especially for those with dry and dehydrated skin, and can also be used to moisturize the baby's skin. It should be applied to the skin after bathing diluted in moisturizing cream to soften, hydrate and tone the skin.

Sweet almond oil also serves to soften the skin and improve its elasticity, and can be used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. In addition, it can be used on hair to moisturize and shine the hair and on nails to hydrate cuticles.

How to use sweet almond oil

Sweet almond oil can be used on skin, hair and nails. See how:

On baby's skin:

Sweet almond oil can be used on the baby, after bathing, to moisturize and soften the skin, as it is a natural oil, which has no perfumes and, therefore, does not cause allergies on the baby's skin.

To use the sweet almond oil on the baby, just dilute some of the oil in the baby's moisturizer and apply a little of the mixture on the baby's skin after bathing, doing a massage.

To prevent stretch marks in pregnancy:

Sweet almond oil can also be used to prevent stretch marks in pregnancy because it is very moisturizing, softens the skin and improves skin elasticity, preventing the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy.

The pregnant woman should pass dilute the sweet almond oil in the cream for stretch marks and apply it on the skin of the body after bathing, especially in the places where stretch marks frequently appear.

In the hair:

Sweet almond oil can be used to moisturize and shine dry and brittle hair. Just make a mask with sweet almond oil, apply to the hair, before applying the shampoo.

On the nails:

On nails, sweet almond oil can be used to strengthen nails, soften and moisturize cuticles, just heat some sweet almond oil, dip your fingertips in the oil for 10 minutes and push the cuticles back.

Price of sweet almond oil

The price of sweet almond oil varies between 2 and 60 reais, depending on the brand and the amount of oil. This type of product can be easily purchased in supermarkets, pharmacies and health food stores.

Benefits of sweet almond oil and how to use