Home Medicinal Plants Passion fruit: benefits and medicinal properties

Passion fruit: benefits and medicinal properties


Passion fruit has benefits that help in the treatment of various diseases, such as anxiety, depression or hyperactivity, and in the treatment of sleep problems, nervousness, agitation, high blood pressure or restlessness, for example. This can be used in the formulation of home remedies, teas or tinctures, and the leaves, flowers or the fruit of the passion fruit can be used.

In addition, it can also be used to lose weight and to fight aging, as it is full of antioxidants such as vitamins A and C, and has diuretic properties.

Passion fruit is the fruit of the medicinal plant scientifically known as Passiflora , a vine that is popularly known as passion flower.

What is the passion fruit for

Passion fruit can be used as a natural remedy to help treat various problems, such as:

  1. Anxiety and depression: helps to reduce anxiety and agitation, helping to calm down since it is composed of substances that act directly on the nervous system, promoting relaxation; Insomnia: has an effect on the body that induces drowsiness and has relaxing and calming properties that help you fall asleep; Nervousness, agitation, restlessness and hyperactivity in children: it has a sedative and calming action, which helps to relax and calm down; Parkinson's disease: helps to reduce the tremors associated with the disease, as it has properties that calm the body; Menstrual pain: helps relieve pain and decreases contractions in the uterus; Headache caused by muscle stiffness, nervous tension and muscle pain: helps to relieve pain and relax the body and muscles; High pressure caused by stress: helping to lower blood pressure. See how to make passion fruit suchá to regulate blood pressure.

In addition, some studies have indicated that the passion fruit peel reduces insulin spikes, promoting diabetes prevention and control, for example. In addition, it helps to regulate the levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, in addition to promoting the proper functioning of the intestine, since it is rich in fibers.

The greatest amount of calming properties are found in the Passiflora leaf, however its pure consumption is not recommended due to its toxic potential, being recommended that it be used to make teas or infusions, for example.

Passion fruit properties

Passion fruit has a sedative and calming action, analgesic, refreshing, which reduces blood pressure, tonic for the heart, relaxing for blood vessels, which reduces spasms, antioxidant and diuretic properties.

How to use passion fruit

Passion fruit can be used in the form of tea or infusion using dry, fresh or crushed leaves, flowers or plant fruit, or it can be used in the form of tincture, fluid extract or in capsules. In addition, the fruit of the plant can be used to make natural juices, jams or sweets.

Passion fruit tea

Passion fruit tea or infusion is one of the options that can be prepared with dry, fresh or crushed leaves of the plant, and can be used to treat insomnia, menstrual pain, tension headaches or to treat hyperactivity in children.

  • Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of dried or crushed passion fruit leaf or 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves; Preparation: in a cup of tea put the dried, crushed or fresh leaves of the passion fruit and add 175 ml of boiling water. Cover, let stand for 10 minutes and strain before drinking.

For the treatment of insomnia this tea should be drunk once a day, in the evening, and to relieve headaches and menstrual pains, it should be drunk 3 times a day. For the treatment of hyperactivity in children, doses should be reduced and indicated by the pediatrician. See also other teas to fight insomnia.

Passion fruit mousse

Passion fruit mousse is also a great way to consume the fruit and enjoy some of its benefits, in addition to being a good dessert option.


  • 1 envelope of unsweetened powdered gelatin; 1/2 cup of passion fruit juice; 1/2 passion fruit; 2 cups of plain yogurt.

Method of preparation

In a saucepan, mix the gelatin in the juice and then bring to medium heat, stirring constantly until the gelatin completely dissolves. Then remove from heat, add the yogurt and mix well. Then place the mixture on a platter and leave in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Then, just put the passion fruit pulp and serve.

Passion fruit tincture

Passion fruit tincture can be purchased at drugstores, markets or health food stores, and can be used to treat nervous tension, high blood pressure and to reduce the intensity of Ménière's syndrome crises. This tincture should be taken 3 times a day, and it is recommended to ingest 2 to 4 ml of tincture, the equivalent of 40 - 80 drops, according to a doctor or herbalist.

Fluid Passion Fruit Extract

The fluid extract of passion fruit can be purchased in the market, pharmacies or health food stores, to relieve toothache and to treat herpes. This extract should be taken 3 times a day, along with a little water, being recommended to take 2 ml, equivalent to 40 drops, according to a doctor or herbalist.

Passion Fruit Capsules

Passion fruit capsules can be purchased at pharmacies, compounding pharmacies or health food stores, for the relief of anxiety, tension and headaches, and it is recommended to take 1 to 2 200 mg capsules, morning and evening, as directed doctor or herbalist.

Side effects and contraindications

Due to its action on the nervous system and soothing property, the most common side effect of passion fruit is drowsiness, especially if it is ingested in excess.

As the passion fruit can lower blood pressure, the consumption of this fruit is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, unless it is released by the doctor, being consumed according to his instructions.

Nutritional information of passion fruit

Passion fruit presents the following nutritional information:

Components Amount per 100 g of passion fruit
Energy 68 kcal
Lipids 2.1 g
Proteins 2.0 g
Carbohydrates 12.3 g
Fibers 1.1 g
Vitamin A 229 UI
Vitamin C 19.8 mg
Beta carotene 134 mcg
Potassium 338 mg
Vitamin B2 0.02 mcg
Passion fruit: benefits and medicinal properties