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Health benefits of melon


Melon is a low-calorie fruit, quite nutritionally rich and that can be used to slim down and moisturize the skin, in addition to being rich in vitamin A and flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that work to prevent problems such as heart disease and premature aging.

As it is rich in water, the melon increases hydration and can be a healthy option to refresh hot days, for example. In addition, as it is rich in water, it improves bowel function, preventing constipation.

Benefits of melon

The melon can be consumed in its fresh form or in the form of juices and vitamins, and is also widely used to refresh hotter days or on the beach. This fruit brings benefits such as:

  1. Help you lose weight by having very low calories; Increase hydration, as it is rich in water; Maintain the health of the skin and hair, as it is rich in vitamins A and C, important for the production of collagen and prevention of aging; Improve intestinal transit, as it is rich in water, as this favors the passage of feces; Control blood pressure, as it contains potassium and is a diuretic; Prevent disease by having a high content of antioxidant nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C and flavonoids.

To obtain these benefits, melon should be consumed at least 3 to 4 times a week, it is important to include it in a healthy and balanced diet.

Nutritional information

The following table provides the nutritional information for 100 g of fresh melon.

Component Amount
Energy 29 kcal
Protein 0.7 g
Carbohydrate 7.5 g
Fat 0 g
Fibers 0.3 g
Potassium 216 mg
Zinc 0.1 mg
Vitamin C 8.7 mg

To choose a good melon at the supermarket, you must look at the skin and the weight of the fruit. Very shiny peels indicate that the fruit is not yet ripe, while the best melons are those that are heavier for their size.

Melon Detox Juice Recipe


  • 1 cucumber ½ cup of melon pulp1 / 2lime juiceGinger zest2 tablespoons of fresh mintSprinkle of cayenne pepper

Method of preparation:

Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink ice cream.

Refreshing Melon Salad Recipe


  • 1 green-fleshed melon1 yellow-fleshed melon10 - 12 cherry tomatoes1 chopped chives stalk100 g of fresh diced cheese, minced minced pepper and olive oil to season

Method of preparation:

Cut the melons in the form of small cubes or balls and place them in a deep container, suitable for salads. Add the halved tomatoes, the cheese, the chopped chives and the chopped mint. Mix everything gently and season with a pinch of salt and oil.

Health benefits of melon