Home Home-Remedies Propolis: the natural antibiotic

Propolis: the natural antibiotic


Propolis is a substance produced by bees to protect the hive, widely used as a natural remedy, as it helps in the treatment of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

This natural remedy has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and healing properties and as a natural antibiotic it has several benefits and applications that include:

  • Efficient in fighting bacteria and fungi; Reduces swelling and fights inflammation; Regenerates tissues and helps in healing; Complete treatment to fight some viruses such as herpes simplex, genital herpes or vesicular stomatitis for example; Treat respiratory problems; Helps relieve sore throat and treats dry throat; Treat irritating or phlegm cough; Treat skin problems like burns or skin blemishes; Relieve flu, sinus or tonsillitis symptoms.

Propolis grains produced by bees

In addition, propolis is also popularly used to improve health and help prevent and treat some diseases, such as throat infections, ulcers, urinary tract infections, bad breath, skin eczema, widespread inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and even even in cancer situations.

What is Propolis

Propolis is a complex mixture, formed by resinous and balsamic material and by salivary secretions and bee enzymes. This substance contains resins, balms, waxes, essential oils, pollen grains, some metals and minerals such as aluminum, calcium, strontium, iron, copper and manganese and small amounts of vitamins B1, B6, B2, E and C.

The color of the propolis varies between dark brown and reddish brown and has a very bitter taste as it does not contain sugar in its composition and has a very intense smell.

How to use propolis

Propolis can be used in different ways, it can be used directly on the skin, in water to make inhalations with water vapor, in water to use for gargling or it can even be taken pure or diluted in water or tea.

This extract should be used as needed and how it is used depends on the problem to be treated, see how to take it in Learn how to use the Propolis Extract.

This natural remedy can also be used in children, however it is recommended in these cases to use alcohol-free extracts, since most extracts may contain alcohol. In addition, this remedy should only be used during pregnancy or lactation, under medical guidance and should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

Propolis: the natural antibiotic