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What is precedex for and how to take


Precedex is a sedative medication, also with analgesic properties, generally used in an intensive care environment (ICU) for people who need breathing by devices or who need a surgical procedure that requires sedation.

The active ingredient of this medication is Dexmedetomidine hydrochloride, which is only used by injection and by professionals trained in a hospital environment, since its effect increases the risk of a reduction in heart rate and drop in blood pressure, in addition to nausea, vomiting and fever.

Generally, Precedex is sold in 100mcg / ml vials, and is already found in its generic form or in the form of similar drugs, such as Extodin, and can cost around 500 reais per unit, however this value varies according to with the brand and the place where it is purchased.

What is it for

Dexmedetomidine is a sedative and analgesic medication, indicated for intensive treatment in the ICU, either for breathing by devices or for performing procedures such as minor surgery for diagnosis or treatment of diseases.

It has the ability to cause sedation, making patients less anxious, and with lower pain rates. A characteristic of this medication is its possibility of causing sedation in which patients are easily awakened, showing themselves to be cooperative and oriented, which facilitates the evaluation and treatment by doctors.

How to take

Dexmedetomidine should only be used by professionals qualified to care for patients in an intensive care environment. Its use is only injectable intravenously, applied with the support of a controlled infusion equipment.

Before application, the drug should be diluted in saline, usually in the preparation of 2mL of Dexmedetomidine to 48mL of saline. After diluting the concentrate, the product should be used immediately, and if the product is not used immediately after dilution, it is recommended to refrigerate the solution at 2 to 8ÂșC, for a maximum of 24 hours, due to the risk of contamination by bacteria.

Possible side effects

Some of the main effects of Dexmedetomidine include nausea, vomiting, low or high blood pressure, decreased or increased heart rate, anemia, fever, drowsiness or dry mouth.

Who should not use

This medication is contraindicated in cases of allergy to Dexmedetomidine or any component of its formula. It should be used with caution in the elderly and people with abnormal liver function, and has not been tested for pregnant women or children.

What is precedex for and how to take