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Find out how long it takes to gain muscle mass


The time it takes to gain muscle mass by doing a physical exercise, such as weight training, is approximately 6 months, but this depends on the individual's biotype and genetic load.

However, if the person does not do the exercises correctly, regularly, does not eat properly and does not rest, this time can be much longer.

Body changes

The first changes in the body are usually:

  • In the first and second months of exercise, the body adapts to the activity. It is during this period that the individual feels more pain after exercise and his cardiovascular system adapts to the effort, as he gains more strength, endurance and flexibility. After 3 months of regular exercise, the body starts to burn more accumulated fat and, in this period, although there are no major gains in the muscles, a good decrease in the fat layer under the skin can be observed. From there it becomes easier and easier to lose weight. Between 4 and 5 months after the beginning of physical activity, there is a considerable decrease in fat and a greater release of endorphins in the body, leaving the individual in a better mood and with more physical disposition. And, only after 6 months of the beginning of physical activity, it is possible to observe a considerable gain in muscle mass.

The muscles that take the longest to develop are the triceps, the inner thighs and the calves. These will never "grow" as quickly as other muscle groups, due to the type of fibers they have, and nothing can be done about it. Check out some tips to gain muscle mass.

How to facilitate muscle mass gain

To enhance the exercises and make the muscle mass gain faster, some strategies can be adopted, which should be guided by a nutritionist and physical education professional, preferably. According to the person's objective, the nutritionist can recommend the use of protein supplements and the consumption of protein-rich foods in every meal, such as chicken, egg and fish, for example. See other protein-rich foods.

In addition, it is important to rest and avoid training the same muscle group every day, because the muscle grows while resting. However, even on rest days, it is important to maintain adequate nutrition. So, watch the video below to learn how to eat to gain muscle faster.

Find out how long it takes to gain muscle mass