Home Home-Remedies Raspberry tea to speed up labor

Raspberry tea to speed up labor


An excellent home remedy to accelerate childbirth, used very popularly and with scientific proof is raspberry leaf tea, as it has properties that help to tone and prepare the muscles of the uterus for childbirth, helping the labor to progress at a good pace and don't be so painful.

Several studies indicate that, although the raspberry leaf substances do not affect the first stage of labor, they seem to facilitate the final part of the uterus contraction and the baby's exit, reducing the chances of complications at birth, decreasing the need to use instruments such as forceps or suction cups.

Raspberry leaf tea can then be taken in the third trimester of gestation, from 32 weeks onwards, but it should always be done under the supervision and guidance of the obstetrician.

How to prepare and take raspberry tea

Raspberry tea should be prepared with raspberry leaves, as they have different substances from the fruit.


  • 1 to 2 teaspoon of chopped raspberry leaves; 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the raspberry leaves to the boiling water, cover and let stand for up to 10 minutes. Then strain, sweeten with honey to taste and initially drink 1 cup of tea a day, gradually increasing to 3 cups of tea a day.

As an alternative to tea, you can also take raspberry leaf capsules, in the dosage of 2 capsules, 1.2 g, per day, and according to the indication of an obstetrician or herbalist.

In all of the studies, raspberry leaves did not cause any side effects in the pregnant woman or the baby, being considered safe during pregnancy, as long as guidance is given to a doctor.

Find out other healthy and natural ways to accelerate labor.

When not to have tea

Raspberry leaf tea should not be taken in cases where:

  • The pregnant woman had a quick previous labor, which lasted up to 3 hours; A cesarean section is planned for medical reasons; The pregnant woman has had a cesarean or premature birth before; The woman had vaginal bleeding during pregnancy; There is a family or personal history of breast or ovarian cancer, endometriosis or fibroids; the baby is poorly positioned for delivery; the pregnant woman had any health problems during pregnancy; pregnancy of twins; labor must be induced.

If the pregnant woman experiences Braxton Hicks contractions after drinking the tea, she should decrease its quantity or stop taking it.

Learn how to identify contractions and signs of labor.

Raspberry tea to speed up labor