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See 5 incredible benefits of eating fish


Including fish regularly in the diet brings benefits such as improving memory, concentration, preventing cardiovascular disease and reducing inflammation. In addition, consuming fish helps with weight loss, as they are usually sources of protein with fewer calories than red meat and chicken, favoring weight loss diets.

To obtain these benefits, you should consume fish at least 3 times a week, it is important to remember that it is okay to eat fish every day. Here are the top 5 benefits of fish:

1. Provide protein to the body

Fish are great sources of protein and can be used to replace meat and chicken in the diet. Proteins are important nutrients for the formation of muscle mass, hair, skin, cells and the immune system, being an essential nutrient for health.

Lean fish like sea bass, grouper and sole are less caloric sources of protein, while fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines contain more calories.

2. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Fish are sources of good fats, especially those from salt water, such as tuna, sardines and salmon, as they are rich in omega-3, a nutrient present in the deep waters of the sea.

Omega-3 acts in the body by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol, in addition to reducing inflammation and improving the immune system. Thus, the consumption of fish reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack, in addition to preventing other problems, such as stroke.

3. Improve memory and prevent Alzheimer's

Eating fish regularly prevents the loss of gray matter in the brain, which is linked to the emergence of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. This benefit is linked to the presence of omega-3 and nutrients such as calcium and phosphorus, which are important for the transmission of nerve impulses.

4. Relieve arthritis symptoms

Fish rich in omega-3s, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, help relieve arthritis symptoms by having anti-inflammatory properties. By increasing the levels of omega-3 in the body, inflammation in the joints is reduced and the pain is reduced. This benefit can also be obtained by consuming supplements with fish oil or omega-3, but it is important to highlight that the consumption of natural food enhances the benefits of its nutrients.

5. Provide vitamin D

Fish are the best sources of vitamin D in food, especially fatty fish, as this vitamin is stored in the fat in food. Vitamin D works as a steroid hormone in the body, being important for preventing problems such as diabetes, infertility, cancer and heart problems.

In addition, vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the intestine, helping to prevent osteoporosis, especially after menopause.

Nutritional information for some types of fish

The following table shows the amount of calories, fats and proteins for 100 g of fish, separating them into 2 categories: lean and fatty fish.

Calories Fat Proteins
Lean fish
Codfish 73.8 0.20 g 18.00 g
Whiting 96.5 2.75 g 17.94 g
Corvina 100 1.20 g 20.80 g
Golden 80 0.50 g 18.30 g
Grouper 87 1.21 g 18.03 g
Sole 87 0.50 g 19.00 g
Hake 97 1.30 g 20.00 g
Sea Bass 72 0.30 g 17.20 g
Cherne 81.4 0.38 g 19.90 g
Trout 89.3 1.67 g 18.49 g
rooster 109 2.70 g 19.90 g
Sea bream 97 1.30 g 20.00 g
Fatty fish
Tuna fish 146 5.20 g 24.8 g
Mackerel 138.7 7.10 g 18.7 g
Mullet 173 8.96 g 22.87 g
Salmon 211 13.40 g 22.50 g
Sardine 124 5.40 g 17.70 g
Catfish 178.2 11.40 g 18.90 g
Dogfish 129 5.40 g 18.80 g

It is important to remember that the ideal is to prepare the fish only with olive oil in the oven, or to make grilled or cooked preparations, together with vegetables to increase the nutritional value of the meal. Check out these tips in the following video:

Benefits of eating raw fish

The benefits of eating raw fish are to decrease the risk of heart disease, contribute to brain development, nerve cell regeneration, help to form tissues, prevent bone disease and fight anemia due to its richness in omega 3, proteins, vitamin D, calcium, iron and vitamin B12. See: 3 reasons to eat sushi.

Any food subjected to heat loses some nutrients, but fish has its benefits especially in nutrients that are not spoiled by heat and, therefore, the benefits remain even raw and when cooked.

What kind of fish to eat during pregnancy?

Eating fish in pregnancy is healthy, but pregnant women should give preference to cooked and not raw fish because raw fish is a food that spoils and contaminates more easily, and can cause food poisoning. In addition, some raw foods can also be contaminated and cause a disease called toxoplasmosis, which causes defects in the formation of the fetus.

Pregnant women should also avoid fish such as catfish, tuna and guinea fowl, as they have a higher risk of contamination by heavy metals, such as mercury, which impair the baby's healthy development. Find out more about what types of fish a pregnant woman should avoid.

See 5 incredible benefits of eating fish