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8 Relaxation techniques for anxiety


To calm the agitated mind, there are several relaxation techniques such as meditation, regular exercise, healthy eating, listening to relaxing music or even using natural remedies, which can also help you sleep better.

Stress, in addition to affecting the mind, can also cause muscle tension, hair loss, dizziness and frequent headache, which can manifest itself in people of all ages, so it is very important to follow some relaxation techniques in order to prevent these symptoms or worsen existing diseases.

1. Meditate every day

Meditation can calm a person down, and can be practiced anywhere or anytime. During meditation, concentration increases, and some confused thoughts that can be the source of stress are eliminated, promoting greater physical and emotional well-being, restoring balance and inner peace.

There are several types of meditation:

  • Guided meditation: with this meditation method, mental images of places or situations that are considered relaxing should be formed. For this, the senses must be used through smells, sounds, images and textures, whether or not they can be guided by a professional;

    Mantra: in this meditation method, a word, phrase or thought that helps to calm down is repeated slowly, in order to avoid distractions;

    Mindfulness: this type of meditation is based on having a greater awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment. It should be done in a comfortable position, living only in the present moment, and if any feeling or concern arises, let it go without focusing on it, judging or making plans. See more about how to do mindfulness and what are the health benefits;

    Qi gong: this technique usually combines meditation, relaxation, physical movement and breathing exercises to restore and maintain balance;

    Tai chi: this is a type of meditation with Chinese martial arts in which certain postures and movements are performed slowly, while breathing deeply;

    Yoga: postures and breathing exercises with relaxing music are performed to promote a more flexible body and a calm mind. As a person moves through poses that require balance and concentration, they focus less on their busy day and more on the moment. See other health benefits of yoga.

Ideally, to practice these techniques, you should choose a quiet place, comfortable positions and above all have a positive attitude.

2. Practice 30 minutes of physical exercise

Doing at least 30 minutes of some type of daily physical exercise has benefits for emotions, and it is a good time to think about problems and find strategies to solve them. In addition, it decreases the amount of cortisol, which is a stress-related hormone, and releases endorphins into the bloodstream that promote well-being.

The most suitable exercises are aerobic and the least recommended are those of competition because they can aggravate stress. You can take walks on the street, on the beach or ride a bicycle, for example.

3. Think positively

Optimism and pessimism can greatly affect health and well-being, so you must maintain positive thinking, as follows:

  • Identify and change negative thoughts, such as dramatizing a particular situation, blaming yourself or suffering in advance; Identifying areas for change that are faced with pessimism, whether at work or in a relationship; Surrounding yourself with positive people; Rationally evaluating each negative thought that arise; thank the good things that happen in life; practice good humor, laughing or smiling especially during difficult times.

Even if you are going through a less good time, you should always think and focus on something positive that is happening.

4. Take time for yourself

Some people find it difficult to say no to any request, even when they don't have the time. But, saying yes to everything, causes even more stress and less peace of mind, so it is important to take the time to do something you like, like reading a book or taking a walk, without feeling guilty.

It is also important to manage the time between work and personal life, trying to find a balance between both.

5. Hang out with friends

Maintaining a social life with friends and family helps to reduce stress. Thus, taking a coffee break with a friend at work, talking to a neighbor, calling a family member, are ways to reduce stress, while promoting long-lasting relationships with people close to you.

6. Eat well to protect yourself from stress

To combat stress, a balanced diet should be avoided, avoiding foods that overload the adrenal glands, as they play a very important role in regulating the body's reactions to stress, such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol, and giving preference to foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin B5 and B6, magnesium and zinc.

Vitamin C can be found in fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, oranges and broccoli, vitamin B5 is present in eggs, mushrooms, chicken and salmon and vitamin B6 can be found in lentils, trout and bananas. Zinc is present in black beans, oysters and mussels and magnesium in almonds, corn and peas. You can also choose to take a supplement that has the same nutrients in its composition. See more about what to eat to combat stress and mental exhaustion.

7. Do relaxing massages

Massages with essential oils of Lavender, Eucalyptus or Chamomile are great options to relieve muscle tension and stress, as they stimulate blood circulation and renew energy. In addition, they help to reduce muscle tension and promote muscle relaxation.

The oils to be used in this type of massage must have therapeutic properties that soothe and relax, such as lavender or chamomile oil for example. See more about how to do relaxing massages with essential oils.

8. Taking natural remedies

There are several natural remedies that can help to calm the mind and sleep better, such as:

Chamomile tea and catnip

Chamomile and catnip are relaxing and slightly sedative.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, and we have a wide range of products to choose from.

Method of preparation

Pour the boiling water over the herbs and cover, allowing to stand for ten minutes and strain. Drink three cups a day.

Valerian tea

Valerian is a powerful and safe sedative very useful in cases of stress and anxiety.


  • 250 ml of boiling water1 tablespoon of dry valerian root

Method of preparation

Pour the boiling water over the dry valerian root, then cover it so that the essential oils do not evaporate and let it stand for ten minutes, then strain. Drink a maximum of three cups a day.

Lavender inhaler

To relieve stress and anxiety, place a drop of lavender essential oil on a handkerchief, or on a pillow and inhale as often as desired. See more natural remedies that fight stress.

8 Relaxation techniques for anxiety