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7 Tips to Control Anxiety (That Really Work!)


Anxiety can generate physical and psychological symptoms, such as feeling short of breath, tightness in the chest, tremors or negative thoughts, for example, which can condition the person's daily life and increase the risk of contracting diseases.

Learn 7 tips that can help control anxiety and nervousness and have a better and more fulfilling life:

1. Change your attitude

One of the things that can help to reduce anxiety is to change the attitude towards the problem. For this, the person should try to find out about what is causing the anxiety, understand if there is a solution and resolve it as soon as possible.

If the person cannot solve the problem, he must realize that being anxious will not improve the situation and therefore he should try to change his attitude and relax as much as possible.

2. Respect your limitations

There are people who feel a lot of anxiety, but suffer alone with problems, which causes them to isolate themselves, which can increase suffering.

An attitude that can help to overcome this feeling is to ask the help of friends, family or even a psychologist, who can help the person to be more calm.

3. Take a deep, calm breath

When a person is very anxious or during an anxiety attack, it is common to experience a feeling of shortness of breath and tightness in the chest, which are symptoms that can become very uncomfortable.

In these cases, the person must breathe deeply and calmly, as if he were breathing into his belly. In addition, another thing that can help is to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a pleasant place, such as on a beach, imagining the sea with waves increasingly slower. Discover a breathing technique that helps fight stress and anxiety.

4. Think positive

Anxiety often arises due to negative or self-destructive thoughts, which are sometimes intensified by the person himself.

A tip that can help to control these thoughts, is to see the positive side of the problems that lead to less good feelings. In addition, one thing that can help is to remember everything positive that happens in everyday life and to practice gratitude. Learn how to practice gratitude and discover its power.

5. Valuing the present

Often, people feel anxious to think a lot about the future, which generates fears, making them suffer in anticipation. To get around this situation, the person must value and live the present, avoiding thinking too much about the future.

If anxiety is caused by the past, nothing can be done to change it and therefore, one should avoid investing a lot of time thinking about things that have already happened and that cannot be changed anymore.

6. Identify the causes of anxiety

Generally, anxiety does not arise without a reason and, therefore, identifying the causes that cause it or what causes sadness, can help the person to keep them away.

In addition, when thoughts arise that the person has identified as causing sadness and anxiety, the person will be able to push them away more easily.

7. Practice an activity

Practicing an activity is a great way to distract yourself from the problems that cause anxiety, live in the present tense and keep your mind focused on an objective.

Regular low-impact physical activity such as walking, cycling or swimming are great weapons for dealing with anxiety. Therefore, it is recommended that the anxious person does exercises every day and, during the exercises, have thoughts related to their own physical activity or other positive thoughts.

Occupying the mind with something that is pleasurable and useful is also a great way to control anxiety. Here's how food can help:

If, even when following all these guidelines, the person continues to show symptoms of anxiety, such as belly pain, headache, nausea, dizziness, fear and always thinking about the same situation, in a harmful way, a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist, as they can help the person through therapy or indicate medications to combat anxiety and depression.

7 Tips to Control Anxiety (That Really Work!)