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The language of dunstan babies


Newborn babies up to 3 months of age, do not know how to speak and have difficulty being understood and therefore the only form of auditory communication is crying.

However, all babies of all languages ​​and nations are able to indicate that it is necessary to change the diaper, eat, burp, that they are uncomfortable, with colic or even that they need to sleep, and mastering this language helps parents' lives a lot., greatly reducing their anguish and also the baby's stress, creating a bond of greater security and comfort between parents and child, leaving the baby happy, calm and peaceful.

Second, Priscila Dunstan, the discoverer of this language, the sounds that the baby makes can mean:

Sound the baby makes What does it mean
Néh or Nhé The baby is hungry
Own, Au or Aaaai The baby is sleepy
Heh or Éh repeated several times The baby is uncomfortable with something, be it cold, heat, wet diaper…
Eairh + grimaces + leg movements Baby has colic
Eh or Hé said with several intervals The baby needs to burp

You can hear these sounds and train your ear by buying the DVD Baby Language, the application on Itunes or watching online classes with the discoverer of this form of communication for babies, being a good family investment. The DVD costs approximately $ 30 and Itunes, about $ 4. Both can be purchased at: www.dunstanbaby.com

The language of dunstan babies