Home Symptoms Coriander and chlorella eliminate mercury from the body

Coriander and chlorella eliminate mercury from the body


To eliminate heavy metals from the body naturally, it is recommended to increase the consumption of coriander, as this medicinal plant has a detoxifying action in the body, removing metals such as mercury, aluminum and lead from the affected cells and helping to reduce its harm in the body.

But for a better effect in the elimination of heavy metals, especially mercury, the ideal is to consume the coriander together with chlorella, an algae that can be used as a supplement, daily. Chlorella helps to eliminate toxic substances through the intestine, preventing mercury from accumulating in other parts of the body.

How to use Coriander to detoxify

To detoxify the body and eliminate mercury, coriander and chlorella must be present daily in the diet. There is no recommended dose of coriander to be consumed to eliminate mercury, and it should be increased in the preparation of food and through the manufacture of salads, sauces and pates. Another option is to add coriander to juices and soups. Find out what all the benefits of coriander are.

How to use Chlorella to detoxify

Chlorella can be found in capsule or powder form, but children and pregnant women should see their doctor or nutritionist before starting to consume it. To detoxify, this seaweed must be taken 1 hour before main meals following the steps:

  • Phase 1: lasts 3 days and you should take 500-1000 mg of chlorella per day. Phase 2: increase the dose by 500 mg daily, until reaching a dose of 3 g per day, or according to medical advice; Phase 3: lasts 2 weeks and you should take 3 g of chlorella per day divided into 1 g before lunch + 1 g before dinner + 1 g before bed.

Following these guidelines, coriander will remove mercury from cells, mainly from the brain, and chlorella will eliminate mercury through the intestine, removing this metal from the body. In addition to this natural treatment, mercury poisoning can also be treated with medication or gastric lavage.

Care during detox

For detoxification to be effective and to occur without causing health problems, it is important to take the following precautions:

  • Do not consume foods rich in vitamin C during main meals, such as orange, acerola and pineapple, as they reduce the effect of chlorella; Have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as detoxification also eliminates essential minerals for the functioning of the body, which should be replenished by eating; Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to help eliminate toxins.

If the consumption of chlorella causes intestinal discomfort, it should be taken with the meal instead of 1 hour before. This will improve the tolerance of the intestine, while reducing the amount of mercury that will be eliminated from the body.

Other foods that help strengthen the immune system and assist in the detoxification of the body are garlic, apple cider vinegar and pectin, which is present in fruits and vegetables.

Find out which signs indicate mercury contamination.

Coriander and chlorella eliminate mercury from the body