Home Medicinal Plants What is vegetable insulin for?

What is vegetable insulin for?


Vegetable insulin is a medicinal plant that is believed to be useful in helping to control diabetes because it contains high amounts of flavonoids and free canferol that can help normalize blood glucose.

Its scientific name is Cissus sicyoides but it is also popularly known as anil climber, wild grape and vines.

The name plant insulin was given by the population due to the belief that it is capable of controlling diabetes, however, its performance is not directly linked to the production of insulin by the pancreas and is not yet scientifically proven.

How to use

Researches were carried out using the infusion of vegetable insulin prepared with 12 g of leaves and stems of vegetable insulin and 1 liter of water, allowing it to rest for 10 minutes. After administration, several tests were carried out to assess the amount of glucose in the blood and the results are not conclusive because some studies indicate that the result is positive and others, that the result is negative and that vegetable insulin has no effect on diabetes control..

Therefore, before vegetable insulin is indicated for diabetes control, it is necessary to carry out more scientific studies that demonstrate its efficacy and safety.

Medicinal properties

Vegetable insulin has antioxidant, antimicrobial and hypoglycemic properties and therefore it is believed that it is indicated in the control of blood glucose. Popularly its leaves are used externally against rheumatism, abscesses and the tea prepared with the leaves and the stem can be indicated for muscular inflammation, and also in case of low pressure, since the plant activates the blood circulation. It can also be used to treat seizures and heart disease.

What is vegetable insulin for?