Home Bulls 5 essential oils to lose weight faster

5 essential oils to lose weight faster


Aromatherapy can help you lose weight because it is able to stimulate the brain and improve mental and psychological disposition, making it easier to follow a diet and maintain a frequent exercise routine.

In addition, some oils used in aromatherapy can also decrease appetite, in addition to relieving situations of anxiety or depression, which are often associated with excessive hunger and the desire to eat more caloric foods.

Aromatherapy should not be used as a unique technique to lose weight, but it can be used as a supplement to diet and exercise. Ideally, for the best results, consult an aromatherapist.

Check out a 1 week diet and exercise plan to join aromatherapy and lose belly fat fast.

5 essential oils that help you lose weight

To use these essential oils, you must directly smell the oil bottle, taking a deep breath, keeping the air trapped in the lungs for 2 seconds and then exhaling. These inhalations should be done throughout the day and before meals. At first, you should take 3 to 5 inhalations 10 times a day and then increase to 10 inhalations, 10 times a day.

These essential oils should not be ingested without the advice of an aromatherapist, as they can cause severe burns of the digestive tract.

1. Bitter orange

Bitter orange essential oil has excellent properties to reduce the urge to eat, especially in people who are over-hungry associated with emotional instability. This way, this oil can be inhaled throughout the day to reduce hunger crises, but also before meals, to avoid overeating.

2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is already known as a food that can be added to the diet to increase metabolism and burn more fat, however, it can also be used in aromatherapy to improve the action of insulin in the body.

In this way, blood sugar is more easily used by cells throughout the body, decreasing the accumulation of fat in the belly. This essential oil should not be used by pregnant women, as it stimulates the contraction of the uterus, which may result in a miscarriage.

3. Peppermint

The aroma of peppermint stimulates the brain to decrease the urge to eat, allowing less calories to be consumed during the day.

In addition, it is also possible that this aroma relaxes the stomach muscles, reducing belly swelling and improving the release of bile, which helps digest fats and allows food to pass through the body faster.

4. Bergamot

Bergamot decreases feelings of anxiety and sadness, which can lead to excessive consumption of food in order to cause a feeling of comfort and relief that helps to ward off negative feelings.

In this way, the aroma of this essential oil interrupts this cycle by leaving the person more invigorated and with more positive thoughts, avoiding the excessive intake of food that makes weight loss difficult.

5. Grapefruit

Grapefruit essential oil contains Nootkatone, a rare substance that stimulates the production of an enzyme that increases the body's energy levels and metabolism rate, preventing excessive weight gain and facilitating fat burning. In addition, it also contains limonene, which increases the effect of burning fat and decreasing appetite.

See also how aromatherapy can reduce anxiety, which can be a problem when losing weight.

Also watch the following video and discover supplements that reduce hunger and can help you lose weight:

5 essential oils to lose weight faster