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3 Steps to Do Testicular Self Examination Properly


Testicular self-examination is an examination that the man himself can do to search for changes in the genital organ, being useful to identify early the development of diseases such as infections or cancer in the testicle.

Testicular cancer is more common in young people aged between 15 and 35 years, but it is easily treated, provided it is identified early, and it may not even be necessary to remove both testicles and allowing to maintain fertility.

Learn more about testicular cancer and how it is treated.

3 steps to do testicular self-examination

The testicular self-examination should be done during the bath, as it is a time when the skin of the genital area is more relaxed, facilitating the manipulation of the testicles. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Observe if there are changes in the texture or color of the scrotal sac, standing, facing the mirror, before entering the bath; Place the middle finger and index finger behind the testicle and the thumb over the testicle. Then, slide the testicle between your fingers to assess the presence of lumps and other changes;

    Find the epididymis and the vas deferens, which are the small channels located just behind or above the testicle, where the sperm passes. These channels must be identified so as not to be confused with a suspicious mass or a swollen ganglion.

It is normal that during this examination it is identified that there is one testicle that is lower than the other. Alarm signals are usually the presence of pea-sized lumps, which do not cause pain, on the front of the testicles or changes in testicle size, for example.

Check out how to do the testicular self-exam in the following video:

When to testicle yourself

The self-examination of the testicles should be done at least once a day, preferably after a hot bath, as the heat relaxes the region, facilitating the observation of changes. However, self-examination can also be done every day, as better knowledge of the body helps to identify early signs of various diseases.

Testicular self-examination should be carried out from adolescence, so that men are aware of the normal size and shape of the testicles and more easily see any changes in these organs.

What changes could signal problems

During the performance of the self-examination, the man should pay attention to changes in the testicles such as:

  • Difference in size; Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum; Presence of a hard mass or lump in the testicle; Pain in the lower belly or groin area; Presence of blood in the scrotum; Pain or discomfort in the testicle or scrotum.

If there is any type of change, it is advisable to make an appointment with a urologist to identify the right cause and start the most appropriate treatment, as there are several problems that can cause the same changes in cancer, such as epididymitis or hydrocele, for example.

See the 7 main causes of lumps in the testicles.

3 Steps to Do Testicular Self Examination Properly