Home Home-Remedies How to prepare homemade serum

How to prepare homemade serum


Homemade serum is made by mixing water, salt and sugar and is widely used to combat dehydration caused by vomiting or diarrhea, and can be used for adults, baby children and even domestic animals.

Although it can be used in babies, it should not be given to babies who are still exclusively breastfeeding, being more suitable in these cases to give only the breast to keep the baby hydrated. In addition to making homemade serum, know exactly what you can eat when you have diarrhea.

How to make homemade serum

There are two ways to prepare homemade serum, however in both forms, care must be taken and strictly follow the indicated amounts, as an error in the preparation can result in complications for dehydrated children, such as seizures, for example.

1. Homemade whey recipe using tablespoon

Recipe of 1 L of homemade whey with soup spoon
  • 1 liter of filtered, boiled or bottled mineral water; 1 tablespoon of sugar or 2 shallow spoons of sugar (20 g); 1 coffee spoon of salt (3.5 g).

2. Recipe for 1 200 ml glass of homemade serum

Recipe for 1 cup of 200 ml of homemade serum
  • 2 shallow measures of sugar on the long side of the standard spoon; 1 shallow measure of salt on the short side of the standard spoon; 1 cup (200 ml) of filtered, boiled or bottled mineral water.

How to prepare homemade serum

Mix all the ingredients and drink small sips several times a day, preferably in the same proportion of fluids lost through vomiting or diarrhea. When tasting homemade whey, it should not be more salty than a tear, for example.

The durability of this homemade serum is a maximum of 24 hours and if it is necessary to take the serum for more days, a new recipe must be prepared each day. See more in the following video on how to make homemade serum:

What is home serum used for

Homemade serum is used to combat dehydration because it replenishes water and minerals lost from vomiting and diarrhea, common in gastroenteritis and dengue, for example. Homemade serum is suitable for all ages and can even be used on dogs and cats, when needed.

People with diabetes should not take home-made serum and seek medical help, as well as those who are severely dehydrated. It is important to clarify that taking homemade serum will not stop vomiting and diarrhea, being useful only to replace lost fluids and mineral salts and that is why it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions to control diarrhea and vomiting.

How to take homemade serum

Homemade serum should be taken on the same day of its preparation in small sips throughout the day. In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the amount of fluids lost must be observed and the homemade serum should be taken in the same proportion after each episode of vomiting or diarrhea. In addition, it is not recommended to take more than half a glass of serum at a time and babies and children can take the serum in spoons.

Although it is very simple to make the serum at home, there is also a small package called Salts for Oral Rehydration available in pharmacies that contains salt and glucose in the exact dose to be mixed in 1 liter of mineral water or the serum to drink already ready to give. easier to take, which is the best alternative when the water quality is doubtful for making the serum at home or when traveling with young children.

When to go to the doctor

When diarrhea and vomiting continues for more than 24 hours it is important to go to the doctor to identify the cause and adjust the treatment, which in some cases can be done with antibiotics. Taking medication without medical advice is not recommended because it can be harmful to your health.

See more about what to do when your child has diarrhea.

How to prepare homemade serum