Home Bulls 7 Tips to close open pores of the face

7 Tips to close open pores of the face


The best strategy to close the enlarged pores of the face is to clean the skin thoroughly, completely removing all encrusted dirt, and moisturizing the skin properly, according to your skin type, every day.

The enlarged pores appear especially in oily skin, which are easily recognized as 'holes in the skin', especially in the T region of the face: forehead, nose and chin, and are even more apparent when using powdered makeup.

To close open pores you need:

1. Clean your skin daily

It is necessary to keep the skin properly clean every day. To do this, you must wash your face with water and liquid soap, rubbing it with a cotton pad and making circular movements a maximum of 2 times a day to avoid a rebound effect, where due to the excess of washes the skin becomes more oily.

A great tip is before applying makeup is to wash your face with cold water, or apply a small piece of ice on the entire face to make a vasoconstriction and then apply a primer and then apply the foundation and powder.

2. Exfoliate your skin once a week

Doing a gentle exfoliation is also indicated to remove the outermost layer of the skin, for this you can rub 1 spoon of cornmeal with 2 tablespoons of liquid soap or else apply a thin layer of green clay diluted in saline, allowing to act for 20 minutes, then remove with a cotton pad and circular movements. The clay will remove excess oil from the skin and return the necessary minerals. Check out some options for homemade scrubs.

3. Use cold and hot compress

A technique that is very effective to close the pores of the face is to use a warm thermal bag for 3 minutes on the face, and then to place a cold thermal bag for 2 minutes, this temperature difference helps to improve the oxygenation of the tissues and the elasticity of the pores, helping in the health and beauty of the skin. This technique can be done on alternate days, for 1 to 2 weeks, to notice the results.

4. Moisturize the skin

Another important daily care is to keep the skin of the face properly moisturized using the creams indicated for your skin type. The oil free and non-comedogenic versions are excellent options for those with oily or lipid skin, creams containing retinoic acid are also great options.

5. Do deep skin cleansing

Doing a thorough skin cleansing in a clinic or beauty center at least once a month is also essential to keep the skin deeply clean, removing the impurities that homemade scrubs do not reach.

In the first times that this treatment is done, it may be that the skin becomes more irritated and apparently, it gets worse, but this is natural and expected, and as more sessions are carried out, the skin becomes better and more beautiful. See how a deep skin cleansing should be done here.

6. Avoid fatty foods

The causes of open pores are related to genetics, and the consumption of fat in the diet, which promotes the formation of excess sebum by the skin's sebaceous glands, which clog the channels, favoring blackheads and pimples, and even a scar. on the skin, which is a bigger 'hole' and not quite round, like the enlarged pore.

Thus, it is recommended to avoid processed, industrialized foods such as biscuits, stuffed biscuits, croissants, pies and other snacks made with vegetable fat or lard, and fried foods. It is also important to drink plenty of water or tea to keep your skin cleaner and naturally hydrated from the inside out.

7. Practice aerobic exercise

When exercising, you should set aside at least 20 minutes to practice aerobics, such as brisk walking, running or cycling to promote sweating, which is also beneficial for the skin, eliminating accumulated toxins.

By following all these steps, it is possible to close your pores and keep your skin beautiful and uniform, even when you have makeup and more mature skin, and that it is naturally more flabby.

7 Tips to close open pores of the face