Home Symptoms Antibiotics and home treatment for scarlet fever

Antibiotics and home treatment for scarlet fever


The treatment of choice for scarlet fever is a single dose of penicillin injection in babies and children under 25 kg, or penicillin tablets for people over 25 kg for 10 days.

Alternatively, you can use amoxacillin, amoxacillin with clavulanate, which can be used for 10 days, for teenagers, children and adults.

In case of allergy to penicillin, the doctor may recommend erythromycin in tablet form, for 5-7 days.

Normally, 2 days after the start of treatment, the symptoms of scarlet fever begin to disappear, however, antibiotics should be taken until the date indicated by the doctor.

After 24 hours of taking the medicine, scarlet fever is no longer contagious, so the child or adult can go back to school / work, but in the case of the child the parents may prefer the child to stay at home, so that they can recover better and can rest properly.

Homemade scarlet fever treatment

There is no home treatment that can replace antibiotics, but to relieve itchy skin you can bathe at a warm temperature, use liquid moisturizing soap, and apply a moisturizing lotion with calamine on the skin to reduce skin discomfort. Bathing with baking soda is also a good homemade option for relief from itching.

See another home remedy for scarlet fever

What to eat in scarlet fever

During scarlet fever it is indicated to prefer liquid and pasty foods, fresh or at room temperature, such as vegetable soup with boiled egg or chicken, but totally liquidized, puree, gelatin, fruit juice and yogurt vitamin. Very hot foods should be avoided so as not to aggravate the discomfort in the throat. Bread, cookies and toast can be eaten if they are dipped in warm milk or tea.

It is normal for a child to refuse food because of a sore throat and that is why it should not be insisted that he eat, but it is important to keep the child fed so that he recovers faster.

Scarlet fever complications

Scarlet fever is usually easily cured with the antibiotic indicated by the doctor, and complications are rare. However, although rare, there may be rheumatic fever, which is damage to the heart valves and kidney damage that can progress to kidney failure.

Signs of improvement and worsening

Signs of improvement in scarlet fever include a decrease in reddish patches on the skin, an increase in appetite, a decrease in sore throat, as well as fever. The signs of worsening of scarlet fever occur when treatment is not done or is stopped too early, and include an increase in fever, an increase in sore throat, accompanied by pain in the ear or in another region of the body, as well as increase of reddish spots on the skin, medical help should be sought quickly in this situation.

Antibiotics and home treatment for scarlet fever