Home Symptoms Treatment options for labyrinthitis

Treatment options for labyrinthitis


Treatment should always be guided by an otolaryngologist, as it is necessary to identify the cause of labyrinthitis to choose the most appropriate treatment. There are two main types of labyrinthitis, viral, which does not need specific treatment, and bacterial, which needs to be treated with antibiotics.

In addition, in some cases, chronic labyrinthitis can also appear, which is a type of disease that causes symptoms over several weeks or months, which, although not as strong as those of the first crisis, remain very uncomfortable and, therefore, they must be controlled with treatment.

How to treat labyrinthitis at home

During the first 3 days of the crisis the symptoms of dizziness and nausea are very strong and, therefore, it is recommended to stay at home resting, preferably lying in a comfortable position to avoid falling and causing injuries.

During this period, you should drink about 2 liters of water per day, to avoid dehydration and worsening of symptoms. In addition, other important recommendations include:

  • Avoid situations that can cause stress or anxiety; Do not drive during treatment; Avoid turning your head or getting up quickly; Sit and stare at a spot in case of worsening symptoms; Do not smoke or be in an environment with smoke cigarette.

You should also use the drugs prescribed by your doctor, stopping taking them only when he tells you to, even if the symptoms have already disappeared.

Drugs indicated during treatment

There are 4 main types of remedies that can be indicated by the doctor during treatment to reduce symptoms and speed healing. They are:

  • Antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin: are used only in cases of bacterial labyrinthitis to eliminate bacteria and speed up treatment; Benzodiazepines like Diazepam: these are drugs that reduce the activity of the central nervous system and therefore relieve symptoms. However, they should not be used in chronic cases, as their prolonged use can cause dependence; Antiemetics, such as Cinarizine or Dramin: are remedies that reduce nausea and vomiting and that can be used in place of benzodiazepines; Corticosteroids, such as Prednisone: are used in cases with stronger symptoms to decrease inflammation of the ear and relieve symptoms.

It is important to return to the hospital when side effects appear or the symptoms worsen, causing confusion, difficulty in speaking, double vision, severe weakness, tingling or changes in the way of walking. In addition, it is also recommended to consult the doctor if the symptoms have not disappeared after 3 weeks.

See a more complete list of drugs that can be used in treatment.

Is there physical therapy treatment?

Treatment by a physiotherapist, known as Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, is widely used in cases of chronic labyrinthitis because it helps the brain and nervous system to compensate for the abnormal signals they receive from the ear, preventing the development of symptoms.

During therapy, the physiotherapist makes maneuvers and mobilizations on the patient's head slowly, in order to reposition the crystals present in the ear and thus improve balance.

Natural treatment with Ginkgo Biloba

An excellent home-made way to improve the symptoms of labyrinthitis and complete medical treatment is to drink Ginkgo Biloba tea, as this plant improves blood circulation in the brain, relieving the symptoms of dizziness and nausea.


  • 1 ginkgo biloba leaves dried 1 cup boiling water

Method of preparation

Crush the leaves with a pestle until you get small pieces and then add to the cup for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink it 2 to 3 times a day.

Other natural remedies that can help lessen the symptoms are ginger tea or echinacea.

See also how to eat during treatment to relieve symptoms more quickly.

Treatment options for labyrinthitis