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How the new diabetes patch works


Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have developed a patch capable of detecting the circulating amounts of glucose in the blood and, when a higher concentration is found, delivers insulin through microneedles present in this patch, which is why it is considered an important treatment advance of diabetes.

The diabetes patch mimics the activity of pancreatic cells responsible for insulin production in an easier way, without the need to measure glucose levels with the glucometer or the daily application of insulin, reducing the discomfort that the person feel during these processes. In addition, according to the researchers, the adhesive is able to work perfectly for 24 hours, requiring replacement afterwards.

How the sticker works

The diabetes patch is small, about 3 centimeters in diameter, and has associated microneedles that contain sufficient amounts of glucose. The material that makes up the patch allows you to monitor glucose concentrations during the day.

When it is found that glucose levels have reached a pre-established limit, the microneedles enter about 1 mm in the skin and release insulin in order to regulate glucose levels. Once blood glucose is controlled, insulin release decreases or is interrupted.

Through the use of this patch, it is possible to prevent spikes of hyperglycemia and insulin overdose, which is when the person administers an amount above what is indicated, which can lead to hypoglycemia, seizures, coma and even death.

Next steps

So far, tests with the patch have been done only on rats and pigs, in which it was found that the patches were able to monitor and control glucose levels for about 20 hours in the pigs that were tested. As the results in animals were promising, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to approve the test request in people with the aim of verifying its effectiveness in controlling diabetes.

In addition, if it is proven that the patch can control circulating glucose levels, the researchers propose carrying out studies that adapt microneedles to other drugs and diseases, with greater applicability.

How the new diabetes patch works