- 7 most common questions about vasectomy
- 1. Can it be done by SUS?
- 2. Is recovery painful?
- 3. How long does it take to take effect?
- 4. Does the man stop producing sperm?
- 5. Is it possible to reverse the vasectomy and have children again?
- 6. Is there a risk of becoming impotent?
- 7. Can it decrease pleasure?
- Advantages and disadvantages of vasectomy
Vasectomy is the recommended surgery for men who no longer want to have children. It is a simple surgical procedure performed by a urologist in the doctor's office that lasts about 20 minutes.
During a vasectomy, the doctor cuts off the vas deferens in the scrotum that guide sperm from the testicles to the penis. In this way, the sperm are not released during ejaculation and, therefore, the egg cannot be fertilized, preventing pregnancy.
7 most common questions about vasectomy
1. Can it be done by SUS?
Vasectomy, as well as tubal ligation, is one of the surgical procedures that can be done free of charge through SUS, however, you must have two minimum requirements that include the age of over 35 and at least two children.
However, this surgery can also be done privately by any man who does not wish to have more children, and its price ranges from R $ 500 to R $ 3000, depending on the clinic and the doctor selected.
2. Is recovery painful?
Vasectomy surgery is quite simple, however, the cut made in the vas deferens can cause inflammation, making the scrotum more sensitive, which can cause a painful sensation when walking or sitting, in the first days.
However, the pain decreases over time, making it possible to return to driving and do almost all daily activities after 2 to 3 days of surgery. Intimate contact should only be initiated after 1 week to allow adequate healing.
3. How long does it take to take effect?
It is advisable to use other contraceptive methods, such as condoms, up to 3 months after surgery, because, although the effects of vasectomy are immediate, preventing sperm from reaching the penis, some sperm may still remain inside the channels, allowing for a pregnancy.
On average, it takes up to 20 ejaculations to eliminate all the sperm left in the channels. In case of doubt, a good tip is to have a sperm count exam to ensure that they have been completely eliminated.
4. Does the man stop producing sperm?
Sperm is a liquid made up of sperm and other fluids, produced in the prostate and seminal vesicle, which help sperm to move.
Thus, once the prostate and seminal vesicle continue to function and release their fluids normally, man continues to produce sperm. However, this sperm does not contain sperm, which prevents pregnancy.
5. Is it possible to reverse the vasectomy and have children again?
In some cases, vasectomy can be reversed by connecting the vas deferens, but the chances of success vary according to the time that has passed since the surgery. This is because, over time, the body stops producing sperm and starts producing antibodies that eliminate the produced sperm.
Thus, after several years, even if the body produces sperm again, they may not be fertile, making pregnancy difficult.
For this reason, a vasectomy should be used only when the couple is sure that they do not want to have more children, as it may not be reversible.
6. Is there a risk of becoming impotent?
The risk of getting impotent is very low, as the surgery is only performed on the vas deferens that are inside the scrotum, not affecting the penis. However, some men may suffer from anxiety, which makes erection difficult, especially during the first few weeks, while the genital area is still sore, for example.
7. Can it decrease pleasure?
Vasectomy does not cause any change in man's sexual pleasure, as it does not cause sensory changes in the penis. In addition, man also continues to produce testosterone normally, the hormone responsible for increasing libido.
Advantages and disadvantages of vasectomy
The main advantage of a man performing a vasectomy is greater control over a woman's pregnancy, because after about 3 to 6 months of this procedure, the woman will not need to use contraceptive methods, such as the pill or injections, for example. This time can vary from one person to another, because it takes about 20 ejaculations to completely reduce sperm in the channels. Therefore, it is advisable to ask the doctor about the appropriate waiting time for your case.
However, one of the disadvantages is that the vasectomy does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and therefore to prevent diseases such as HIV, syphilis, HPV and gonorrhea, it will still be necessary to use a condom in every sexual relationship, especially if you have more than one sexual partner.