Home Bulls How is the post-operative of liposuction (and the necessary care)

How is the post-operative of liposuction (and the necessary care)


In the postoperative period of liposuction, it is normal to feel pain and, it is common for bruises and swelling to appear in the operated area and, although the result is almost immediate, it is after 1 month that the results of this surgery can be seen.

Recovery after liposuction depends on the amount of fat removed and the location that was aspirated, with the first 48 hours requiring more care, especially with posture and breathing to avoid complications, requiring retouching.

Most of the time the person can go back to work, if he is not physically demanding, after 15 days of the surgery and, he feels better every day. Physiotherapeutic treatment can start after the 3rd day of lipo with manual lymphatic drainage and instructions regarding posture and breathing exercises. Each day a different technique can be added to the treatment, according to the need and the assessment made by the physiotherapist.

How to reduce pain after liposuction

Pain is the most common symptom being present after all liposuction surgery. It results from the stimulus generated by the suction cannulas and how the tissue was treated during the procedure.

To relieve pain, the doctor may prescribe pain relievers and rest for the first week. However, manual lymphatic drainage can begin to be performed on the 3rd postoperative day in the untreated area and after about 5-7 days, it is already possible to perform MLD over the liposuctioned region.

Manual lymphatic drainage is excellent for decreasing body swelling and gradually removing the purple spots, being very effective in relieving pain. It can be performed daily or on alternate days. About 20 treatment sessions can be performed. See how it is done in: Lymphatic drainage.

How to reduce the purple marks after liposuction

In addition to drinking a lot of water to hydrate the body and facilitate the production of urine that will remove excess toxins, it may be indicated to use endermology to increase lymphatic drainage. 3MHz ultrasound can also be used to help improve blood circulation by eliminating the marks.

How to care for the scar

In the first 3 days you should observe if the liposuction points are dry and if a 'cone' is forming. If you have any changes, you should contact the doctor and check if there is a need to change the dressing.

At home, if the scar is dry and healing well, you can give a gentle massage by applying a moisturizing cream or gel with healing properties to make circular movements, from side to side and from top to bottom. Also note the sensitivity of the skin, and if it is low or very sensitive, ironing a small piece of cotton on the spot several times a day can help normalize this sensation.

How to reduce hard tissue

Some people have a tendency to form more fibrosis than others. Fibrosis is when the tissue beneath and around the scar becomes stiff or appears to be trapped, as if it were 'sewn' to the muscle.

The best way to avoid the development of this excess tissue is with the massage done right there. Ideally, this tissue should be treated up to 20 days after liposuction, but if this is not possible, other treatments can be used to remove it, such as endermology and radiofrequency, for example.

How to reduce local swelling

If immediately above or below the scar a swollen area appears, which appears to be a 'bag' full of water, this may indicate a seroma. This can be removed through fine needle aspiration, performed at the clinic or hospital, and the color of this liquid must be observed because if it is infected, the liquid will be cloudy or mixed with colors. Ideally, it should be clear and uniform, like urine, for example. Another way to completely remove this accumulation of fluid is through the radio frequency performed by the physiotherapist.

What to eat after liposuction

The postoperative diet should be light, based on broth, soup, salads, fruits, vegetables, and lean grilled meats. In addition, it is essential to drink plenty of water to help drain excess fluid but it is also recommended to eat more foods rich in albumin, such as egg white, to reduce swelling and facilitate healing.

Important recommendations

In liposuction to the abdomen you should:

  • Stay with the elastic band for 2 days without removing; Remove the band at the end of 48 h to do personal hygiene and replace, using for at least 15 days; Make no effort; Lie without pressing the aspirated area; Move your legs frequently to prevent deep vein thrombosis.

In addition, it is important to take the pain medication indicated by the doctor to relieve the pain and, if possible, start functional dermato physical therapy 3 days after the surgery. The treatment time varies according to the technique used and the need of each person, but it is usually necessary between 10 and 20 sessions that can be performed daily or on alternate days.

How is the post-operative of liposuction (and the necessary care)