Home Symptoms 5 Treatments to stop sweating on your hands

5 Treatments to stop sweating on your hands


Excessive sweating on the hands, also called palmar hyperhidrosis, happens due to the hyperfunctioning of the sweat glands, which produce sweating in this region. This situation is more common in women and usually begins in adolescence, but then stops, however in some cases it can remain for a lifetime.

There are some ways to disguise the sweat above normal, using aluminum salts, talc or handkerchiefs, but the definitive and most effective treatments must be indicated by the dermatologist or plastic surgeon, and some options are the application of botox, use of oxybutynin medicine or sympathectomy surgery.

Hyperhidrosis, which also appears in other parts of the body, such as the feet or armpits, is very uncomfortable, and should be treated as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment or social isolation. Thus, the main treatments are:

1. Antiperspirant products

The use of talc or handkerchiefs helps to disguise and improve hand adhesion, but a good alternative is the use of antiperspirant deodorants, which are antiperspirants based on aluminum salts, which decrease or inhibit the sweat output by the glands during the day such as Perspirex, Rexona Clinical, Nivea Dry Impact and DAP, for example.

It is important not to try to wear gloves or cover your hands to disguise the humidity, because the increase in temperature causes the production of sweat to increase even more.

2. Iontophoresis

It is a technique for applying ionized agents to the skin, using an electric current to facilitate the absorption of these substances in the skin. These ions, when absorbed, gradually decrease perspiration in the area of ​​the skin where they were applied. The treatment should be done daily, for about 10 to 15 minutes, and, later, it will be changed to biweekly or monthly sessions.

It is also possible to perform iontophoresis at home, however it is recommended to perform it under the guidance of a professional, as it can cause irritation, dryness and the formation of blisters on the hair. Therefore, it is important to go to a specialized clinic for a complete evaluation.

Iontophoresis is not a definitive treatment, so it must be done regularly to generate results.

3. Botulinum toxin

This substance, also called botox, can be applied to the skin to block sweat production by the local sweat glands. Treatment with botulinum toxin, however, has a temporary effect, and should be done with a certain frequency, which can be quite uncomfortable for the person. Understand what Botox is and what it is for.

4. Remedies

The use of drugs that have an effect on sweating reduction, such as glycopyrrolate and oxybutynin, which are anticholinergics, can be taken daily, according to medical advice.

Despite having good results, anticholinergic drugs can cause some side effects, such as dry mouth, difficulty urinating or dizziness.

5. Surgery

Surgery done to control excessive sweating of the hands is known as sympathectomy, in which the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands are cut, so that they stop producing excess moisture. Better understand how surgery works to stop sweating.

Despite guaranteeing good results, sympathectomy can have as a side effect a compensatory hyperhidrosis, that is, a place in the body where there was no excessive production of sweat, it starts to have. In addition, it can also have the opposite effect, in which the hands are very dry, requiring the application of moisturizing creams. Thus, surgery is indicated for cases in which hyperhidrosis has not been able to be solved with other forms of treatment.

Main causes of palmar hyperhidrosis

Palmar hyperhidrosis has a mainly genetic cause, and can manifest in some families according to the situation that the person is exposed to. Excessive sweating of the hands can happen in situations of stress, tension or nervousness, such as in a job interview or due to a test, in situations of anxiety, fear or even due to the heat. Here's how to reduce excessive sweating.

How to avoid sweating on your hands

Sweating on the hands, in mild to moderate amounts, is a normal reaction of the body, especially in situations of heat or stress. To avoid this type of discomfort in unwanted situations, such as meetings, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and water frequently and carry tissues or antibacterial gel to keep your hands clean and dry.

Avoiding excessive stress, with alternative therapies such as yoga, aromatherapy or acupuncture can help to reduce sweating on these occasions. In addition, there are natural homemade recipes that can help reduce sweating, such as sage tea. Check out a recipe for sage tea and a natural deodorant based on sage and witch hazel.

5 Treatments to stop sweating on your hands