Home Symptoms 4 Treatment options for hemorrhoidal thrombosis

4 Treatment options for hemorrhoidal thrombosis


The treatment for hemorrhoidal thrombosis, which occurs when the hemorrhoid breaks or becomes trapped inside the anus, causing a clot due to the accumulation of blood, should be indicated by the proctologist and, usually includes the use of analgesics to relieve pain, application of ointments anticoagulants or applying a rubber band to the hemorrhoid to cause it to fall.

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis is more frequent during constipation, pregnancy or when it is caused by other situations that increase abdominal pressure, such as exaggerated efforts in the gym, for example.

1. Take medicine or apply ointments

To treat hemorrhoidal thrombosis the doctor may recommend:

  • Analgesic remedies like Paracetamol or anesthetic ointments like Lidocaine, for example, to relieve pain; Ointments for hemorrhoidal thrombosis such as Hirudoid, for example, which is an anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory ointment that helps to dissolve small clots and prevent the formation of new ones, or laxative ointments such as Almeida Prado 46 or Lactopurga, which help to soften the stool, facilitating your departure;

In addition, the doctor may recommend injections of heparin into the vein that help to dissolve small clots, being the most used treatment during pregnancy.

2. Placing an elastic band on the hemorrhoid

In some cases, it is recommended to place an elastic band on the hemorrhoid, widely used in the case of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis to decrease blood circulation and cause the hemorrhoid to fall in 7 to 10 days.

3. Injection of liquid into the hemorrhoid

The application of an injection of sclerosing liquid is performed by the doctor and makes the hemorrhoid hard and die, falling after about 7 days. This treatment can be used to treat internal or external hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

4. Surgery to remove hemorrhoids

In the most severe cases, surgery for hemorrhoidal thrombosis may be recommended, and consists of the removal of the hemorrhoid with a scalpel, and the patient needs to be hospitalized for about 2 days.

Natural treatment option

The natural treatment for hemorrhoidal thrombosis can be done with the bath of witch hazel, cypress or lavender, for example, however it does not help to treat thrombosis once and for all, it is just a good way to relieve pain. Thus, whenever there is a suspicion of thrombosis in hemorrhoids, it is very important to go to the doctor to assess the need for treatment with the other options. See how to make this sitz bath for hemorrhoids.

To complete the treatment, it is also important to adopt some precautions such as drinking about 2 liters of water a day and doing regular physical exercise, to improve the functioning of the intestine and reduce the pressure on the hemorrhoid.

See other home remedies for hemorrhoids that help complement the treatment.

4 Treatment options for hemorrhoidal thrombosis