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Learn how to use the artichoke to lose weight


Artichoke ( Cynara scolymus L. ) has protective liver properties, but it can also be used to lose weight, due to its ability to eliminate toxins, fats and excess fluid from the body.

In addition to being considered a tonic and aphrodisiac food, the artichoke has clinical indications that include cholesterol reduction and glycemic regulation, due to the cinaropicrin substance , which is found in its leaves and which promotes the increase of biliary and gastric secretions. See what the artichoke is for.

Artichoke weight loss?

Artichokes have diuretic and detoxifying properties, increasing the rate of elimination of impurities and excess liquid in the body. In addition, due to its laxative property and the fact that it is rich in fibers, it improves intestinal transit, thus preventing constipation. Artichokes are also able to stimulate the production of bile by the liver, accelerating the digestion process of high-fat foods.

Thus, due to its properties, the artichoke can help with weight loss, however its consumption for weight loss should not be isolated. It is important that the consumption of artichoke is accompanied by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet in order to achieve the goals in the best way. Learn how to lose weight with dietary reeducation.

How to use the artichoke to lose weight

To lose weight, it is recommended to take 2 capsules of artichoke extract a day, or take 1 liter of artichoke tea a day. However, it is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet and perform regular physical exercises so that weight loss is enhanced. Learn how to use artichoke capsules to lose weight.

Artichoke tea can be made with 3 tablespoons of artichoke leaves in a pot with 1 liter of water. Let it boil for 5 minutes, wait for it to cool a little, strain and drink it during the day, preferably without sweetening.

Artichoke can also be consumed in its cooked form, having the same benefits. The artichoke extract can be found in pharmacies or health food stores, in the form of syrups, tablets or capsules. But, although natural, it should not be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Learn how to use the artichoke to lose weight