Home Bulls 6 Effects of sleep deprivation on the body

6 Effects of sleep deprivation on the body


Sleep is essential for the body, as it is at this moment that several important reactions take place, such as the regulation of endocrine functions, restoration of brain energy and metabolism, tissue repair, in addition to memory consolidation.

Thus, sleep deprivation, especially when it is chronic or occurs repeatedly, can have serious health consequences, such as impaired memory and learning, reduced attention, changes in mood, risk of developing psychiatric illnesses and weakened immune systems, for example.

Sleep is controlled by areas of the brain, and is related to biochemical and physiological events in the body, and is also influenced by behavior. For it to happen properly, sleep is divided into 4 phases, which vary in the form of cycles. Find out how they are divided and what happens in the sleep phases.

Thus, several conditions can lead to changes that impair sleep, from neurological, psychiatric, respiratory diseases, or, simply, by bad habits that deregulate the "biological clock" of sleep. Also see what are the most common sleep disorders.

1. Tiredness and fatigue

Drowsiness, tiredness and loss of disposition are the first symptoms of the lack of a good night's sleep, as it is during rest, especially in the deepest phases of sleep, that the body is able to recover its energies.

2. Failures in memory and attention

It is during sleep that the brain is able to consolidate memories and renew cognitive performance, allowing a greater capacity for concentration, attention and performance of functions.

Thus, a person in sleep deprivation for many hours has more difficulties to remember things, complete reasoning, concentrate or have attention, presenting difficulties in making decisions and worse performances at work or at school, for example.

3. Dropped immunity

Sleep deprivation impairs the production of defense cells in the body, making the immune system weakened and less effective in fighting infections. Check out tips on what to do to improve immunity.

4. Sadness and irritability

Sleep deprivation can cause emotional instability, so people are more irritable, sad or impatient. When little sleep becomes chronic, the person is more likely to experience sadness and suffer from anxiety and depression.

Other mental illnesses that can be favored by sleep disorders are eating disorders, panic syndrome or alcoholism, for example.

5. High blood pressure

Sleeping less than 6 hours a day can favor the onset of high blood pressure, because during sleep there is a period of rest for the cardiovascular system, with a decrease in pressure and heart rate. in addition, lack of sleep can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

6. Hormonal changes

The adequate relationship between sleep and wakefulness, which is the period in which you remain awake, is the basis for a regularized production of hormones in the body.

Thus, hormones such as melatonin, growth hormone, adrenaline and TSH are closely related to the existence of adequate sleep, so sleep deprivation, especially in a chronic way, can cause consequences such as growth retardation, difficulties in gaining muscle mass, thyroid changes or fatigue, for example.

Check out other problems that can arise when we don't sleep well and what to do to improve.

6 Effects of sleep deprivation on the body