Home Bulls 6 Most Common Causes of Running Pain

6 Most Common Causes of Running Pain


Pain during running can have several causes, depending on where the pain is felt. For example, shin pain is usually caused by an inflammation in the shin bone, called cannellitis, while pain in the spleen, known as "donkey pain" is usually caused by incorrect breathing while running.

When you feel pain during running, you should stop running, rest and, depending on the location of the pain and its cause, put ice, stretch or bend your body forward, for example.

Thus, see what are the main causes of pain in running and what to do to relieve and treat it:

1. "Donkey Pain"

The pain in the spleen in running, popularly known as "donkey pain" is felt as a sting in the area immediately below the ribs, on the side, which arises while exercising. It is usually caused by a lack of oxygen in the diaphragm, because when you breathe incorrectly during the run, oxygen consumption becomes insufficient, which causes spasms in the diaphragm, causing pain.

1. Donkey pain

Other possible causes of donkey pain are the contraction of the liver or spleen during exercise or when eating just before the race and the stomach is full, putting pressure on the diaphragm. See how to improve your running performance through correct breathing.

What to do: Decrease the intensity of the exercise until the pain subsides and massage the area where it hurts with your fingers, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Another technique for relieving donkey pain includes bending the body forward to stretch the diaphragm.

2. Canelite

Shin pain during running can be caused by cannellitis, which is an inflammation of the shin bone or the tendons and muscles that surround it. Typically, cannellitis arises when you exercise your legs excessively or when you step incorrectly during running, and if you have flat feet or a stiffer arch, you are also more likely to develop cannellitis. Learn more about cannellitis.

2. Canelite

What to do: Stop running, rest and put cold compresses or ice, for 15 minutes, at the site of the pain to decrease inflammation. If necessary, use analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen to relieve pain and reduce inflammation until you see a doctor.

3. Sprain

In running, pain in the ankle, heel or foot can occur due to a sprain. Sprains are caused by excessive distension of the ligaments due to trauma, sudden movements of the foot, poor placement of the foot or when tripping, for example. Usually, the pain arises immediately after the accident or sudden movement and is very intense, which can prevent you from putting your foot on the floor. Sometimes, the pain may decrease in intensity, but after a few hours and as the joint becomes inflamed, the pain appears again.

3. Sprain

What to do: Stop running, raise your leg, avoiding movements with the affected region and apply cold compresses or ice to the affected joint. If necessary, use a remedy for pain and inflammation like Diclofenac or Paracetamol until you see your doctor. Sometimes, it may be necessary to use a splint or plaster to immobilize the affected joint and accelerate recovery. See more tips at: Steps to treat an ankle sprain at home.

4. Iliotibial band friction syndrome

Pain in running the knee is usually caused by the friction syndrome of the iliotibial band, which is an inflammation of the tendon of the tensor fascia lata muscle, causing severe pain. Generally, the knee is swollen and the person feels pain in the side of the knee and finds it difficult to continue running.

4. Tendonitis in the knee

What to do: Decrease the pace of running training, rest your knee and apply ice for 15 minutes several times a day. If the pain does not go away, take analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen, or use anti-inflammatory ointments such as Cataflan, to reduce inflammation and pain, under the doctor's guidance.

It is also important to strengthen the glutes and abductor muscles on the side of the thigh to decrease this pain and stretch the muscles in the back and sides of the legs. Here's how to treat knee pain after running.

The ideal is not to run again until the pain is resolved, which can take about 3 to 5 weeks.

5. Muscle strain

It can happen when the muscle stretches too much, causing a muscle strain or stretch, also known as stoned syndrome. Muscle strain typically occurs when the muscle contracts quickly or when the calf is overloaded during training, muscle fatigue, improper posture, or decreased range of motion.

5. Stones syndrome

What to do: Stop running and put on a cold compress or ice for about 15 minutes until you see the doctor. Generally, the doctor recommends performing physical therapy exercises.

6. Cramp

Another cause of pain in the foot or calf in running is cramp, which occurs when there is a rapid and painful contraction of a muscle. Usually, cramps appear after intense physical exercise, due to the lack of water in the muscle.

6. Cramp

What to do: Stop running and stretch the affected muscle. Then, lightly massage the affected muscle to reduce inflammation and pain. See how to stretch your foot and calf to relieve cramps in: Cramp: what to do?

These problems, in most cases, can be avoided by performing stretching exercises before and after running, drinking water during the day and, mainly, during exercise and avoiding exercising right after meals.

To avoid injury, see:

6 Most Common Causes of Running Pain