Home Bulls Asthma crisis: what to do (first aid)

Asthma crisis: what to do (first aid)


To relieve asthma attacks, it is important that the person is calm and in a comfortable position and uses the inhaler. However, when the inhaler is not around, it is recommended that medical help is triggered and the person remains calm and in the same position until breathing is controlled and medical help arrives.

To do the proper first aid it is recommended that:

  1. Calm the person down and help them to sit in a comfortable position; Ask the person to lean slightly forward, placing their elbows resting on the back of a chair, if possible, to facilitate breathing; Check if the person has any medication for asthma, or inhaler, and give the medication. See how to apply an asthma inhaler; Call an ambulance quickly, calling 192, in case the person stops breathing or does not have a pump nearby.

If the person passes out and is not breathing, cardiac massage should be started to keep the heart functioning and help save life. See how to properly perform cardiac massage.

Asthma attacks can be identified by means of some symptoms, such as intense difficulty in breathing and purple lips, which can be avoided by eating, for example.

What to do when the firecracker is not around

In cases where there is no asthma inhaler nearby, it is advisable to stay in the same position until medical help arrives, so that the body does not quickly use up the little oxygen that is entering the lungs.

In addition, it is recommended to loosen clothing that could cause breathing obstruction, remain calm and try to breathe slowly, inhaling through your nose and releasing through your mouth until medical help arrives.

How to prevent an asthma attack

To avoid asthma attacks it is important to identify which factors worsen the symptoms and then try to avoid them during the day-to-day. Some of the most common factors include pollution, allergies, cold air, dust, strong smells or smoke. See other fundamental tricks to avoid crises.

In addition, situations of cold, flu or sinusitis, for example, can also cause the appearance of more intense symptoms of asthma, facilitating crises.

Thus, it is essential to maintain the treatment indicated by the doctor even when the symptoms have not appeared for a long time, as they help to prevent the appearance of new crises. A good tip is to always keep an extra "bombinha" nearby, even if it is no longer needed, so that it can be used in times of crisis or emergency.

What to eat

Asthma attacks can also be prevented through eating, by consuming anti-inflammatory foods that help control lung inflammation and relieve asthma symptoms. Check out in the video below what food for asthma should be like:

Asthma crisis: what to do (first aid)