The number of teeth that each person has depends on their age. Children have 20 baby teeth, which start to fall between 5 and 6 years of age, giving way to 28 permanent teeth, and then, between 17 and 21 years of age, wisdom teeth can begin to make up one total of 32 teeth. See when it is necessary to remove the wisdom tooth.
Teeth are very important for preparing food to be swallowed and digested, so you must maintain good oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist in order to keep them beautiful and healthy.
13 fun facts about teeth
1. When do baby teeth fall out?
Baby teeth begin to fall at around 5 years of age, starting to be replaced by permanent teeth until around 12/14 years of age.
2. When do teeth begin to grow?
Teeth begin to appear at around 6 months of age, however, the teeth are already born with the baby because they are formed inside the bone of the jaw and maxilla, even during pregnancy. Know the symptoms of the birth of the first teeth.
3. Does whitening teeth at the dentist hurt?
Whitening at the dentist consists of removing the internal pigmentation of the tooth, which causes demineralization, usually reversible. However, if the amount of products used for whitening is greater than recommended, they can damage the tooth structure due to a large demineralization, increasing the enamel porosity and decreasing the tooth stiffness. Find out which are the best treatments to whiten your teeth.
4. Why do teeth darken?
Teeth may darken due to the ingestion of certain drinks such as coffee, soft drinks, tea and wine. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse with water after drinking these drinks. In addition, the darkening of the teeth can still be caused by treatment products in the dentist or it can happen due to the death of the pulp.
5. What does it take to place an implant?
The implants are a kind of titanium screws, which are attached to the bone to replace one or more teeth, so that a prosthesis can then be installed. However, for that implant to be placed, it is necessary that the person has enough bone for its fixation. Know when to place a dental implant.
6. Bleeding gums is normal?
Bleeding can occur due to inflammation of the gums, but it is not normal for this to happen. This can happen due to incorrect flossing, or incorrect brushing. Thus, one should go to the dentist in order to understand what is the source of the bleeding, and can continue to use the brush and floss, but in a correct way, as they can help to calm the inflammation of the gums.
7. Should baby teeth be treated, even though they know they will fall soon?
Milk teeth pave the way for eruption of permanent teeth, so it is very important to go to the dentist frequently and, if necessary, treat milk teeth that have problems, because their premature loss can lead to misplacement of permanent teeth..
8. If a tooth is lost, is it possible to reimplant it?
If a person loses a tooth, if it is properly transported to the hospital within a maximum period of two hours, it can be replaced, since the periodontal ligaments during those two hours are still preserved.
In order to transport the tooth properly, one should avoid touching the root region, and it is advisable to wash the tooth with clean water and put it back inside the mouth, so that the saliva helps with conservation until it reaches the hospital, or else put it in serum or milk, which are also good options for preserving the tooth.
9. What is the difference between plaque and tartar?
Plaque consists of a film that forms on the teeth, consisting of bacteria and food debris. Tartar is formed when the bacterial plaque has not been removed for a long time, and the minerals in the saliva begin to deposit on that plaque, petrifying it, further aggravating cavities and periodontal diseases. Learn how to remove tartar from your teeth.
10. What is bruxism? Does it ruin the tooth?
Bruxism consists of a grinding or tightening of the teeth, leading to wear and tear, and can also cause headaches and jaw muscles. Learn how to control bruxism.
11. What causes the tooth to crack?
The crack in the tooth can be caused by bruxism, misaligned bite, teeth with major restorations or that have undergone root canal treatment, causing pain and discomfort when biting food or drinking hot and cold drinks, and can also cause inflammation in the gums around the tooth. tooth.
Treatment consists of repairing the tooth with restorative material, placing a crown to protect the tooth from further damage, or in more severe cases, extracting the tooth.
12. Does antibiotic damage the tooth?
Some studies claim that antibiotics such as amoxicillin and tetracycline can damage tooth enamel and can change their color when they are forming, which happens around 4-6 years of age.
In addition, tooth damage can also be associated with the acidity of the medication, as well as the presence of sugar, which favors the multiplication of bacteria, thus contributing to the formation of plaque.
13. Why can teeth be sensitive?
Teeth can become sensitive when the enamel that protects them wears out due to the use of hard brushes, or due to very strong brushing. Sensitivity can also be caused by very acidic foods and drinks, or by the gingival retraction that exposes the dentin.
These damages can cause pain when breathing cold air through the mouth or when eating cold and hot, sweet or very acidic foods and drinks, which can be mitigated using a non-abrasive toothpaste, or by applying a fluoride varnish by the dentist, in order to provide extra protection. Learn more about the treatment of tooth sensitivity.
Watch the following video and learn more about how to care for your teeth and avoid going to the dentist: