- Main chronic respiratory diseases
- 1. Chronic rhinitis
- 2. Asthma
- 3. COPD
- 4. Chronic sinusitis
- 5. Tuberculosis
- Main acute respiratory diseases
- 1. Flu
- 2. Pharyngitis
- 3. Pneumonia
- 4. Acute bronchitis
- 5. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Respiratory diseases are diseases that can affect structures of the respiratory system such as mouth, nose, larynx, pharynx, trachea and lung.
They can reach people of all ages and, in most cases, are associated with lifestyle and air quality. That is, the body's exposure to polluting agents, chemicals, cigarettes and even infections by viruses, fungi or bacteria, for example.
Depending on their duration, respiratory diseases are classified as:
- Acute: fast onset, lasting less than three months and short treatment; Chronic: they start gradually, last for more than three months and often it is necessary to use medicines for long periods.
Some people may be born with a chronic respiratory disease, which in addition to external causes, can be genetic, such as asthma. While acute respiratory illnesses arise more often from infections of the respiratory system.
Main chronic respiratory diseases
Chronic respiratory diseases usually affect lung structures and may be linked to some type of inflammation of longer duration. People who smoke, are more exposed to air and dust pollution, and are allergic to the risk of developing these types of diseases.
The main chronic respiratory diseases are:
1. Chronic rhinitis
Chronic rhinitis is an inflammation of the inside of the nose that in some cases is caused by an allergy to animal hair, pollen, mold or dust, and is known as allergic rhinitis. However, rhinitis can also be caused by environmental pollution, rapid changes in the climate, emotional stress, excessive use of nasal decongestants or ingestion of spicy foods, and in these cases, it is known as chronic non-allergic rhinitis.
The symptoms of chronic allergic and non-allergic rhinitis are basically the same, including sneezing, dry cough, runny nose, stuffy nose and even headache. Itching of the nose, eyes and throat is very common when chronic rhinitis is caused by an allergy.
What to do: you should see an otolaryngologist to confirm the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, which is mainly based on the use of antihistamines and nasal spray. In some cases, the doctor may recommend surgery, but it is rare, and is usually indicated when other treatments are no longer effective.
It is recommended that people who suffer from chronic allergic and non-allergic rhinitis avoid contact with cigarette smoke, use of carpets and plush, keep the house ventilated and clean, and wash bedding frequently and in hot water. Here are other natural ways to relieve rhinitis symptoms.
2. Asthma
Asthma is a very common disease in male children and occurs due to inflammation in the internal parts of the lung, causing swelling and reducing the passage of air in these structures. Therefore, the main symptoms of asthma are shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, cough without phlegm, wheezing and fatigue.
The cause of asthma is unknown, but suffering from allergies, having a father or mother with asthma, having other respiratory infections and being exposed to air pollution may be related to the onset of asthma attacks.
What to do: Asthma has no cure, so it is important to follow up with a pulmonologist and use indicated drugs, such as bronchodilators, corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. Doing breathing exercises with the help of a physical therapist can help. It is recommended that people with asthma expose themselves as little as possible to products that cause asthma attacks. Learn more about asthma treatment.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a set of lung diseases that obstruct the passage of air in the lungs. The most common are:
- Pulmonary emphysema: happens when inflammation obstructs air sac-like structures in the lung, the alveoli; Chronic bronchitis: occurs when inflammation obstructs the tubes that carry air to the lungs, the bronchi.
People who smoke or have been exposed to chemicals for a long time are more likely to develop these types of diseases. The most common symptoms include cough that has persisted for more than three months, with phlegm and shortness of breath.
What to do: It is recommended to seek assistance from a pulmonologist, as these diseases have no cure, but it is possible to control the symptoms. Some medications that may be indicated by the doctor are bronchodilators and corticosteroids. In addition, stopping smoking and reducing the inhalation of chemical agents prevents these diseases from getting worse. Better understand what COPD is, what the symptoms are and what to do.
4. Chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis occurs when the empty spaces in the nose and face are blocked by mucus or swelling for more than twelve weeks and do not improve even after treatment. The person who has chronic sinusitis feels pain in the face, sensitivity in the eyes, stuffy nose, cough, bad breath and sore throat.
People who have treated acute sinusitis, who have nasal polyps or deviated septum are more likely to develop this type of sinusitis.
What to do: the otorhinolaryngologist is the most suitable to accompany people who have this type of disease. Treatment for chronic sinusitis consists of the use of drugs such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and antiallergic agents. Learn more about treatments for chronic sinusitis.
5. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis , more popularly known as Koch's bacillus (BK). This disease affects the lungs, but depending on the degree, it can affect other organs in the body such as kidneys, bones and heart.
In general, this disease causes symptoms such as coughing for more than three weeks, coughing up blood, pain in breathing, fever, night sweat, weight loss and shortness of breath. However, some people may be infected with the bacteria and have no symptoms.
What to do: Treatment for tuberculosis is indicated by the pulmonologist and is based on the use of a combination of various antibiotics. The drugs prescribed by the doctor must be taken as directed and the treatment usually lasts for more than 6 months. Learn more about home remedies to treat the symptoms of tuberculosis.
Main acute respiratory diseases
Acute respiratory diseases are usually linked to some type of infection of the respiratory system. These diseases arise quickly and must be treated and monitored by a doctor.
It is important to remember that acute respiratory diseases can often become chronic depending on the person's health status or if they have not done the treatment correctly. In addition, most respiratory diseases are contagious, that is, they pass from one person to another.
The main acute respiratory diseases are:
1. Flu
The flu is an infection caused by the Influenza virus and lasts around 7 to 10 days. Flu symptoms are known as cough, headache, fever and runny nose. Usually, in the winter, people stay in crowded places, so the flu cases increase. The cold is often confused with the flu, but it is caused by another type of virus, better understand the differences between flu and cold.
What to do: most of the time the flu symptoms improve with treatment at home. However, children, the elderly and people with low immunity should be accompanied by a general practitioner. Flu treatment is based on the use of medications to relieve symptoms, fluid intake and rest.
Currently, there are vaccination campaigns against influenza by SUS for people at greater risk of contracting the flu, but it is also available in private clinics.
2. Pharyngitis
Pharyngitis is an infection caused by viruses or bacteria that reaches a region in the back of the throat, also known as a pharynx. The most common symptoms of pharyngitis are pain to swallow, scratchy throat and fever.
What to do: Treatment for pharyngitis will depend on whether it is caused by a virus, called viral pharyngitis, or if it is caused by bacteria, known as bacterial pharyngitis. If symptoms continue after 1 week, it is important to see a general practitioner or otolaryngologist who will recommend antibiotics if the pharyngitis is bacterial. In the case of viral pharyngitis, the doctor may prescribe medication to relieve sore throat.
It is always important to remember that the person with pharyngitis must rest and drink plenty of fluids. Learn more what to do to relieve pain and burning in your throat.
3. Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an infection that affects the pulmonary alveoli that act as air sacs. This disease can reach one or both lungs and is caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. Pneumonia symptoms can vary from person to person, especially if you are a child or elderly, but in general are high fever, pain to breathe, coughing with phlegm, chills and shortness of breath. Check here for other symptoms of pneumonia.
What to do: you need to see your general practitioner or pulmonologist, as pneumonia can get worse if left untreated. The doctor will prescribe drugs that have the function of eliminating the infection, which can be antibiotics, antivirals or antifungals. In addition, the doctor may prescribe some medications to relieve pain and reduce fever.
Some people are at greater risk of suffering from pneumonia, such as children under 2 years of age, adults over 65, people with low immunity due to illness or who are undergoing chemotherapy. Therefore, in these cases when the first symptoms of pneumonia appear, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
4. Acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis happens when the tubes that carry air from the trachea to the lungs, called bronchi, become inflamed. This type of bronchitis has a short duration and is usually caused by viruses. Bronchitis symptoms can often be confused with flu and cold symptoms, as they are similar, including runny nose, cough, tiredness, wheezing, back pain and fever.
What to do: acute bronchitis lasts an average of 10 to 15 days and the symptoms tend to disappear within this period, but follow-up with a general practitioner or pulmonologist is important so that complications do not occur. If symptoms persist, especially phlegm cough and fever, it is necessary to return to the doctor. Find out more about bronchitis remedies.
5. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
The acute respiratory distress syndrome happens when there is an accumulation of fluid in the alveoli, which are the air sacs inside the lungs, which means that there is not enough oxygen in the blood. This syndrome usually appears in people who already suffer from another lung disease in a more advanced stage or someone who has had a serious drowning accident, injuries to the chest area, inhalation of toxic gases.
Other types of serious diseases can cause ARDS, such as serious diseases of the pancreas and heart. It is important to remember that ARDS generally occurs in very weak and hospitalized people, except in the case of accidents. See here what is child ARDS and how to treat it.
What to do: ARDS requires emergency care and treatment is performed by several doctors and must be done within a hospital unit.