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What is Ayurvedic medicine for


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian therapy that uses techniques of massage, nutrition, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, among other techniques, as a method of diagnosis, prevention and also healing, based on studies of the body, soul and mind.

In Ayurveda, or Ayurvedic medicine, it is believed that there are energies existing in the body, mind and way of living, and when there is an energy imbalance, caused by emotional problems, physical trauma or poor diet, for example, toxins are accumulated that give rise to disease.

Who is it for

Ayurverda medicine is a good way to complement the treatment of many health conditions, as its main effects on the body are nutrition and hydration of the skin, increased resistance of the immune system, increased strength and muscle relaxation, improved blood and lymphatic circulation, so that energy imbalances are corrected, which relieves and prevents diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic pain, allergy, anxiety and depression, for example.

How it is done

Ayurveda medicine is part of the group of bioenergetic therapies, which uses techniques such as breathing, body techniques, self-knowledge, food and healing through plants and objects in nature, such as stones, to renew a person's vital energy.

In this therapy, it is believed that the human body consists of 3 principles, or Doshas, ​​which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are combinations of the elements Air, Ether, Fire, Water and Earth. As a way to harmonize Doshas, ​​the main therapies are:

  • Massages: massages and body maneuvers are performed, using essential oils and volcanic stones, chosen according to the needs of each person, as a way to promote well-being, relaxation, flexibility and blood circulation; Food: it is based on a diet that aims to harmonize the body, with fresh and easily digestible food, being guided to eat without haste, with concentration and appropriate food for each person. Phytotherapy: the active principles of medicinal plants are used to treat diseases and disorders, according to the needs of each person, based on roots, seeds and plants such as cloves, cinnamon, lemongrass, coriander, ginger and saffron, for example. example.

The practice also includes physical activity, meditation, yoga and therapeutic use of stones and minerals, considering that the treatment always involves the physical and emotional side.

In Brazil, Ayurveda is guided by Ayurvedic therapists specialized in these Indian techniques.

What is Ayurvedic medicine for