Home Bulls Understand why the nail sticks and how to avoid

Understand why the nail sticks and how to avoid


The nail can become stuck for different reasons, however, the main cause is the wrong cut of the nails which ends up facilitating the abnormal growth of the nail and its development under the skin, causing severe pain.

Other major causes of ingrown nails include:

  • Suffering strikes on the foot: some accidents, such as hitting the table with a thumb, can cause deformation of the nail that begins to grow into the skin; Use small or tight shoes: this type of shoes tightens the fingers a lot, facilitating the entry of the nail under the skin; Have small fingers: in some people the nail may grow in excess to the size of the finger, causing the nail to develop under the skin.

In addition, the ingrown nail is also more common in people with malformations of the nails or toes. In such cases, it is recommended to take extra care, especially when cutting your nails, to avoid this problem.

How to cut your nails properly

Since nail cutting is the main cause of ingrown nails it is very important to know how to cut properly. For this, the nails should be cut in a straight line, avoiding cutting the corners, as the corners help to guide the growth of the nail, preventing them from developing under the skin.

In addition, the nail should not be cut too short as this increases the risk of it bending and penetrating the skin on the front of the finger.

See other important tips that help prevent the development of ingrown nails.

Understand why the nail sticks and how to avoid