Home Bulls 5 Pilates exercises against back pain (to do at home)

5 Pilates exercises against back pain (to do at home)


These 5 Pilates exercises are especially indicated to prevent new back pain attacks, and should not be performed at times when there is a lot of pain, as they can worsen the condition.

In order to perform these exercises, you must have clothing that allows mobility and lie flat on a firm but comfortable surface. So, ideally, these exercises should be performed on the floor on a gym mat, as shown in the images. Although they can be performed at home, the exercises must initially be guided by a physical therapist or Pilates instructor.

The most suitable exercises for those with back pain include:

Exercise 1

You should lie on your back with your legs bent and slightly apart. The arms should be along the body and from that position, you should raise the trunk off the ground, maintaining the position shown in the image. The exercise consists of making small movements with the arms stretched up and down.

Exercise 2

Still lying on your back and with your legs bent and slightly separated, you should only stretch one leg, sliding the heel across the floor, until it is fully stretched and then the leg remains. Do the movement with 1 leg at a time.

Exercise 3

Lying on your back, lift one leg at a time, forming a 90ยบ angle with your hips, as if you were placing your legs on an imaginary chair. The exercise consists of touching only the tip of one foot on the floor, while the other leg remains still in the air.

Exercise 4

From the sitting position with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor, raise your arms to shoulder height and let your hips fall back, controlling the movement very well so as not to become unbalanced. Keep your arms and legs still in this position. The movement should be only from the hips rolling backwards and then to the starting position.

Exercise 5

Lie on the floor keeping your legs bent and slightly apart. Then just take one leg towards the chest and then the other leg, maintaining the position shown in the image for 20 to 30 seconds and then release your legs and place your feet on the floor, keeping your legs bent. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

These exercises are especially suitable for back pain because they strengthen the abdominals and back muscles that are essential for maintaining good posture, both when sitting and standing. However, a physiotherapist or Pilates instructor may recommend other exercises depending on the type of limitation the person has, taking into account also other factors such as the presence of osteoporosis, other joint pain and breathing capacity.

Exercises to improve posture

Check out the video below for other exercises that strengthen your back and improve posture, helping to prevent the appearance of back pain:

5 Pilates exercises against back pain (to do at home)