Home Bulls Dental veneers made of resin or porcelain: advantages and disadvantages

Dental veneers made of resin or porcelain: advantages and disadvantages


Dental contact lenses, as they are popularly known, are the resin or porcelain veneers that can be placed on the teeth by the dentist to improve smile harmony, providing aligned, white and well-adjusted teeth, with a durability of 10 to 15 years.

These facets, in addition to improving beauty, also help to minimize tooth wear and accumulate less plaque, improving hygiene and oral health.

Veneers should only be placed by a specialized dentist and cannot be repaired if they crack or break, and each damaged veneer needs to be replaced. The price varies according to the type of facets chosen, ranging from 200 to 700 reais for resin or about 2 thousand reais for porcelain.

When it is indicated to place

Dental veneers can be used in several cases, which is why it is indicated for:

  • Bring together the teeth that are separated from each other, scientifically called diastemas; When the teeth are very small in adults; Improve the appearance of broken or damaged teeth by caries; Harmonize the size of the teeth; Change the color of the teeth that can be stained or darkened by several factors.

Veneers can be applied to just one tooth or the entire dental arch of the person, however it is necessary to evaluate the dentist during a consultation to see if it is possible to put this type of 'contact lens on teeth' or not because this technique it cannot be used on everyone.

Resin or porcelain veneers: advantages and disadvantages

There are two different types of dental veneers, the composite resin veneer and the porcelain veneer. See the differences between them:

Resin veneer Porcelain veneer
Only 1 dental appointment Two or more dental appointments
More economical More expensive
No mold needed Needs mold and temporary adjustments
It is less resistant

It is more resistant and has great durability

Can stain and lose color Never changes color
It cannot be repaired and must be replaced if it is damaged Can be repaired
It has more possibility of exit It is more fixed and does not come out easily
Price: From R $ 200 to R $ 700 each facet of resin Price: from R $ 1, 400 to R $ 2 thousand each facet of porcelain

Before applying the veneers to the teeth, the dentist may recommend appointments to repair damaged teeth by eliminating cavities, tartar and improving the alignment of teeth through the use of orthodontic appliances, for example. However, in people who have a good dental occlusion, when the teeth are well aligned and when there are no factors to be solved before applying the veneers, the dentist can perform the application of the resin veneers in just one consultation.

If the person chooses porcelain veneers, at least 2 or 3 consultations may be necessary just to prepare the veneers, which can make the total procedure a little more expensive. However, porcelain veneers are much more durable, which may be better in the long run.

Who should not put

This procedure is contraindicated when the dentist sees that the person does not have good oral hygiene and is at high risk of cavities and also in the following cases:

  • When teeth are weak and devitalized and may fall; When there is dental malocclusion, which occurs when the teeth of the upper dental arch do not all touch the lower teeth; When there are overlapping teeth; When there is a decrease in dental enamel, due to factors such as baking soda in an intense and exaggerated way to clean or try to whiten your teeth at home.

In addition, it is also not recommended that people who have teeth grinding at night, a conduction called bruxism, and also those who have bad habits like biting nails or pencils and pens put on dental contact lenses.

Care to keep the smile beautiful

After placing the facets on the teeth, with a beautiful, clear and aligned smile, some care must be taken to avoid the risk of damaging the facets. Some important precautions are:

  • Brush your teeth upon waking up, after meals and before sleeping every day; Use mouthwash after each brushing; Floss, or floss between your teeth before brushing, at least once a day and whenever you feel need; go to the dentist at least once a year for an evaluation consultation; do not bite your nails and the tips of pencils or pens; if you notice if you wake up with jaw pain or headache go to the dentist because you may have bruxism and it is necessary to use a bite plate to sleep in order not to damage the facets. Understand this disease by clicking here. If you have toothache you should go to the dentist right away to assess the cause of the pain and start the proper treatment; You should avoid foods that can harm or darken your teeth like dark teas, chocolate and coffee. However, a good solution for this is to take a sip of water after consuming some of these drinks and brush your teeth after eating chocolate.

In addition, whenever you notice a change in color or the presence of cracks in the veneers, you should go to the dentist to repair the veneer, so that the tooth is not further damaged because these small cracks can allow the entry of cavities that can damage teeth, being difficult to see due to facet coverage.

Dental veneers made of resin or porcelain: advantages and disadvantages