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Viral pharyngitis: main symptoms, causes and treatment


Viral pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx that is caused by the presence of a virus, which is why it is very common for pharyngitis to appear together with the flu or another infection of the respiratory system. However, viral pharyngitis can also appear in isolation, affecting only the pharynx.

Viral pharyngitis is a contagious situation that can be easily transmitted from person to person through the inspiration of small droplets suspended in the air that contain the virus, contact with contaminated surfaces and through the consumption of food and drinks that may also be contaminated.

Symptoms of viral pharyngitis

The main symptoms related to viral pharyngitis are discomfort and difficulty swallowing. Some other symptoms may vary according to the virus related to the infection, however, in general, other symptoms that may appear are:

  • Sore throat; Fever; Constant headache; Muscle or joint pain; Dry cough and runny nose.

Often, pharyngitis appears associated with another health problem and, therefore, inflammation of the pharynx is not even identified, with only the main problem being treated, which can be flu or mononucleosis.

However, whenever 2 or more of the symptoms of those indicated above and others appear, such as red spots on the skin and painful sores on the neck, it is therefore very important to go to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis and start the most appropriate treatment. See more about pharyngitis.

Main causes

Viral pharyngitis is the most common form of pharyngitis and is usually due to colds and flu. Therefore, the main viruses related to viral pharyngitis are Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Paranfluenza and Influenza, the latter being related to influenza. In addition, it is possible that the flu can also happen due to infection by Adenovirus, which is usually related to conjunctivitis.

It is also possible that viral pharyngitis is due to the Epstein-Barr virus, which is responsible for mononucleosis, and can be transmitted through saliva, known as kiss disease.

How the diagnosis is made

Since viral pharyngitis is usually associated with another infection, it is common for only the main infection to be identified. However, as there is no specific treatment for pharyngitis caused by viruses, treatment for the main infection is usually sufficient to treat pharyngitis.

Anyway, in order to make the diagnosis, the family doctor or the otorhino, must make a physical examination and evaluate the symptoms presented. In addition, tests can also be done to identify if there are bacteria in the throat that may be causing an infection. If this happens, treatment may need to include the use of an antibiotic.

Treatment for viral pharyngitis

Symptoms of viral pharyngitis usually last a few days and the body is able to eliminate the virus spontaneously in up to 1 week. However, it is necessary for this that the person has a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids and rest, as this way the resolution of viral pharyngitis happens faster.

The family doctor or otorhinolaryngologist may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers, such as paracetamol and Ibuprofen, to reduce the signs and symptoms of throat inflammation. It is important that these drugs are used according to the doctor's guidance.

Viral pharyngitis: main symptoms, causes and treatment